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Re: ENUM uses

Hi Amelia,

We are working on the solution for cost optimization (based on the
infrastructure-ENUM and probably user-ENUM). I will be publishing the
adequate internet-draft (IETF) in February 2004 describing this solution.


On Mon, 22 Dec 2003, Amelia Effendi wrote:

> Hi all,
> I wish to know your opinion on possible ENUM uses. What do you, as a customer would use ENUM for? This will only be for my research purpose.
> Up until now, I have not been able to find ENUM uses explained apart from a list of possible application. but how do they interact, i am not sure.
> For example, your device has a list of choice on how you want to contact your colleague, and when they are not available to pick your call, the device will tell you what other method you could use to contact them?
> thank you very much,
> amelia effendi

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