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ENUM and unsolicited messages


With the relation of ENUM and it's vulnerability to unsolicited electronic messages (spam), i have realised that several countries takes serious steps on preventing it, take Australia and USA as example. 

if i am not mistaken, australia has passed its spam bill although from my poin of view it is still opens from spam that send to and from overseas, as it only concerns on individual and the physical computer to be in Australia. 

i would like to know what do you think of this matter and whether anything else should be done to prevent an individual or organisation from spamming activities. for example in a case where an individual publish a website of recommendation for books, magazine etc and another publisher wish to promote their goods/service to the individual by offering a free copy of books/magazine? this publisher is genuinely offers goods and service , not to spam the individual.

how about europe? i wish to know what measures used to prevent individual getting unsolicited messages, apart from filtering, because spammers also getting smarter. I have read an article that spammers will put extra character or rearrange the wordings, so filters cannot recognise it as a spam.

hope this email is not too long......
thank you,
amelia effendi

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