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Author Inquiry on ENUM trial Status...etc

Yours truly has been asked by the Cisco Internet Protocol Journal to write a article on the current status of ENUM including updates on various national ENUM trials.

I would appreciate any updates on URL's etc sent to me privately.

In addition anyone involved in national enum trials willing to be interviewed privately via email would be appreciated as well.

Thank you for your consideration...we will now return you to our regularly scheduled programming.

Richard Shockey, Senior Manager, Strategic Technology Initiatives
NeuStar Inc.
46000 Center Oak Plaza - Sterling, VA 20166
Voice +1 571.434.5651 Cell : +1 703.593.2683, Fax: +1 815.333.1237
<mailto:richard(at)shockey.us> or <mailto:richard.shockey(at)neustar.biz>
<http://www.neustar.biz> ; <http://www.enum.org>

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