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RE: Commission workshop on a single European Telephone Area Code

Thanks Barbara,
pinged them already, and also Tony

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rudnick Barbara ICN M SR 3 [
] > Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2003 1:23 PM > To: 'Carsten Schiefner'; enum-trials@localhost > Subject: AW: Commission workshop on a single European > Telephone Area Code > > > May be Marco Bernardi and Vincent Humphries(ERO)can give > additional information: > http://europa.eu.int/information_society/topics/telecoms/regul > atory/publiconsult/etns_workshop/index_en.htm > > Best regards, > > Barbara Rudnick > > > -----Urspr�ngliche Nachricht----- > > Von: Carsten Schiefner [
] > > Gesendet am: Dienstag, 1. Juli 2003 12:08 > > An: enum-trials@localhost > > Betreff: Commission workshop on a single European Telephone > Area Code > > > > <http://europa.eu.int/rapid/start/cgi/guesten.ksh?p_action.get > > txt=gt&doc=IP/03/888|0|RAPID&lg=EN&display=> > > > > All, > > > > this appears at least remotely ENUM related. Can anyone provide some > > general information on the outcome and findings of this workshop? > > > > Kind regards, > > > > Carsten Schiefner > > RIPE NCC - External Relations > > > >

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