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RE: ENUM trials in general

At 1:05 pm +0100 25/2/03, Michael Haberler wrote:
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At 12:53 25.02.2003 +0100, Stastny Richard wrote:

Michael wrote:
 maybe a "DIR" record? or
is there an applicable ENUM NAPTR
 record which can
 be abused to provide the directory pointer information?

e.g. ENUMservice web:http


* IN NAPTR 10 10 "E2U+web:http" "!^.*$!http://enum.nic.at/directory/!"; .

is pointing to the Austrian directory service.

So if you enter a nonexisting number you may at least get
the pointer to the directory service.


well, that would solve the "nonexistent number" problem, and would probably be good practice.

What I'm thinking of is an automated way to collate server information via a convention in the enum DNS tree, and use this information to generate a web page.

Like: design a script which walks the e164.arpa tree to the cc level, looking for the magic records - the whois SRV RR, and the - yet unknown - directory SRV RR (or appropriate NAPTR record at the cc level.

This script automatically adds two columns ("whois" and "directory") to, for instance, http://www.ripe.net/enum/request-archives/ with links to the respective information services for each prefix. Fully automatic, total coverage, and opt-in for both services.

Hi Folks,
  forgive me trying to summarise, but I fear I  may have
lost the plot. Please holler where this summary is wrong:

The goal is to have a directory (AKA "white pages"?).
The thread originally mentioned a Web interface.

For good reasons, RIPE are advised not to do this; it
has to be voluntary at the cc level (both for the T1
and for the ENUM Subscribers). The IAB and RIPE are
avoiding some "non-technical issues" with this choice.

Richard mentioned a web service provided by nic.at
that provides a website with a "white pages" (for
their trial). It's technically possible for other
trials to do the same.

It would seem not too difficult to provide a Web
service that accepts an E.164 number and redirects it
to the appropriate country-based Trial directory web site,
IF such a site exists.

Anyone and ->everyone<- could run a "top level" meta-directory
web service, but if these ARE to be provided then there has
to be some help to minimise the admin effort by agreement that:

(i) Trials will have a web site storing a "white pages".
    Duff trials may not provide such a directory, but a
    meta-directory service can redirect to either a web page
    reporting that the particular trial hasn't done this yet,
    or to the "main" web site for that trial.

(ii) some mechanism for a trial to indicate that they
    have such a web site -- Richard gave a simple example
    using a single NAPTR at the "top" of the cc level, using
    the web enumservice. Not exactly hard, IMHO.

(iii) plus, of course, a cc list stored in the meta-directory;
   it can check occasionally to see if a delegation has been
   executed (with authoritative servers in place, not
   just requested :).


Now, it would be nice to agree a syntax for a common CGI
so that the re-direct from a meta directory can be processed
by each of the Country trials web directories.
Something like:
would be OK, where xxxxxxxxxxx is the full E.164 number without
the initial '+'.

As an alternative, if one wants a web interface to Whois,
there's always something like:
 where %2b is, of course, '+'.

That way, the querying user doesn't need to navigate through
the country-specific web directory again.

This list may be a good place to store such URLs, so that
anyone wanting to produce an ENUM meta-directory can program
in the particular syntax for each trial - not too difficult
at present as there are few trials "up" yet.


So....why do we need SRV records?

all the best,
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