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Re: ENUM trials in general

Having a directory book for  e164.arpa domain names it's a good idea.

In the UKETG  (UK ENUM Trial Group) we have realized the importance to
increase the level of awareness of ENUM initiatives/trials  in the user
community. We want  people to use ENUM. Such a directory will certainly

I think running such a directory  implies some responsibilities. We don't
want any misuse/abuse.  All this must be done in responsible way and by a
responsible organization. It seems to me that  it can be the perfect job for
Ripe (Carsten -  sorry for putting  you on the spot...)


----- Original Message -----
From: "Stastny Richard" <Richard.Stastny@localhost
To: "Richard Shockey" richard@localhost; "Carsten Schiefner"
carsten@localhost; enum-trials@localhost
Sent: Saturday, January 11, 2003 9:01
Subject: AW: ENUM trials in general

> At 09:39 PM 1/10/2003 -0500, Richard Shockey wrote:
> >>Dear colleagues,
> >
> >I'm wondering if some kind soul might take on the responsibility of
> >compiling a phone book of  E.164 numbers operating under e164.arpa.
> >
> >If we are going to trial things ... it might helpful to find other
> >and services to contact and test against.
> As as start, try http://enum.nic.at/list.asp
> But I think we surely can arrange something, will think about it.
> >So If decide I want to have a late nite chat with someone I can.
> >Richard Stastny ??? :-)  Now do you have a sip phone at home I can reach?
> :-)
> No, I have only a h323 phone ;-)
> Ok, I confess, I have also a SIP phone on my laptop. Problem is, you cant
> reach me
> at home because I have not yet solved my NAT problem, but I am working on
> (provided I have time ,-(
> Little night chat? My time or your time?
> regards
> Richard

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