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RTRīs General Terms and Conditions for Austrian ENUMTrial now available in English

Dear Colleagues,

This is to inform you that an English version of RTRīs General Terms and
Conditions for the ENUM Field Trial in Austria just has been placed on our
website for download. All entities operating on ENUM tier 1 and/or ENUM
tier 2 (i.e. Registry and Registrars) are bound to sign a Memorandum of
Understanding before starting trial activities. This MoU commits the
signatories (for the time frame of the trial) to the terms and conditions
issued in the above mentioned document.

Please refer to
 and scroll down to the DOWNLOADS section.

Let me also take the opportunity to wish you all the best for 2003 . . . at
last this may become the year of ENUM !

Kurt Reichinger.


Kurt Reichinger
Austrian National Regulatory Authority for
Telecommunication and Broadcasting
Mariahilferstraße 77-79
A-1060 Vienna; Austria
Tel.: +43/(0)1/58058-306
Fax: +43/(0)1/58058-9306
email: kurt.reichinger@localhost

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