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RE: WG: ENUM Demos in Atlanta

Dear colleagues,

Both the Austrian and the VISIONng Trial have been sucessfully
demonstrated at the VISIONng and at the TIPHON/VON Meeting in Atlanta.
At the demo, a new registration was made via a web-interface, showing
the provisioning process and notifications by e-mail to the Registrar,
Tier 1 Registry and the Subscriber.
ENUM queries with two different clients and lauching of different
applications: email, VoIP (SIP and H.323) and web-browser have been

Finally the just registered user received his UserId and passwort by
e-mail and could add and modify his NAPTR records via the web-interface.

Richard Shockey, co-chair of IETF ENUM WG was attending the demo and was
quite impressed.

The slides used may be retrieved via


BTW, Vint Cerf hold a speech here at the VON in Atlanta and talked at
least 10 minutes about the importance of ENUM. Richard Shockey sitting
beside me nearly got an heart-attack because he had no voice recorder
turned on.
Our demo here was live over the Internet to the servers in Austria, no

Richard Stastny
Austrian ENUM Trial Platform

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