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UK ENUM Trial Pack

Dear subscribers,

please see the following email - it didn't make it's way through majordomo
the first time because it was to long due to the attachment. I stripped
the attachment, you may want to use the link instead.


	Carsten Schiefner

--- begin forwarded message from owner-enum-trials@localhost ---
Date: Tue, 01 Oct 2002 17:20:39 +0100
From: Lesley Cowley lesley@localhost
Subject: UK ENUM Trial Pack


You may be interested to learn that the UK ENUM group have now formally 
issued our trial information pack.

This outlines what we are planning, the benefits of the trial, the roles 
and requirements of participants and a memorandum of understanding that we 
will be asking participants to agree to.

The pack is attached as a word document and is also available in pdf format 
on the DTi web site at:

--- end forwarded message from owner-enum-trials@localhost ---

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