[enum-request]RE: Delegation of E.164 Country Code
- Date: Tue, 27 Jul 2004 14:05:38 +0200
Please see embedded replies below.
Thanks and best,
Richard Hill
Counsellor, ITU-T Study Group 2
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Stavropoulos, Mary
>To: 'richard.hill@localhost
>Cc: 'enum-request@localhost
>Sent: 7/26/2004 8:47 AM
>Subject: Delegation of E.164 Country Code
>Importance: High
>The Australian Communications Authority is close to selecting a Tier 1
>Registry Operator for the proposed ENUM trial in Australia. I've
>perused the information on the RIPE and ITU websites in relation to ENUM
>and would like you to please clarify the following.
>1. Which entity (the ACA or the Tier 1 Registry Operator) may apply for
>a E.164 delegation?
That is up to you, but usually the application comes from the Tier 1
Registry Operator.
>2. If it is the Tier 1 Register Operator, does the ACA at some stage
>give its approval. If so, how does the ACA do that?
The request must be approved by the official Administrative contact for
Autralia as shown in our membership database at:
As you will see, this is not the ACA but the Department of Communications,
Information Technology and the Arts.
The approval consists of sending a signed letter, on letterhead, via FAX or
physical mail to Houlin Zhao, Director of TSB. The letter must be signed by
one of the people shown on our website referenced above.
The approval letter should contain as an annex the actual application sent
to RIPE, and reference that application as the one that is being approved.
>3. Is the application made to RIPE or to the ITU?
The application must be sent to RIPE, and copied to ITU in the approval
letter, as stated above.
>4. How long will it take to process an application for E.164 Country
>Code delegation?
From my end, typically less than one week, unless Mr Zhao or I are
travelling, in which case it can take longer.
I'm not sure about the time required by RIPE, please check with them.
>I look forward to your response.
>Mary Stavropoulos
>Policy Analyst
>Numbering Team
>Australian Communications Authority
>Tel: +61 3 9963 6993
>Fax: +61 3 9963 6979
>email: <