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Request for ENUM delegation

The TSB confirms that the concerned national administration (Poland)
approves the attached request for ENUM delegation of code 48. The delegation
may proceed when RIPE NCC receives formal confirmation from the Director of

Richard Hill

Richard Hill
Counsellor, ITU-T SG2
International Telecommunication Union
Place des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva 20
tel: +41 22 730 5887
FAX: +41 22 730 5853
Email: richard.hill@localhost
Study Group 2 email: tsbsg2@localhost

Re: Request for ENUM delegation
*	To: Mirjam Kuehne mir@localhost <
>> * Subject: Re: Request for ENUM delegation * From: Tomek Zygmuntowicz tomekz@localhost <
>> * Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2002 15:18:54 +0200 (MET DST) * <mail> * In-Reply-To: <200204221008.g3MA8fu07526@localhost * Reply- <mail * Sender: owner-enum-request@localhost <
> Hello Mirjam Ok, no problem. Please accept the templates below as formal request. Regards -Tomasz On Mon, 22 Apr 2002, Mirjam Kuehne wrote: > Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2002 10:08:40 +0000 > From: Mirjam Kuehne mir@localhost > To: Tomek Zygmuntowicz tomekz@localhost > Subject: Re: Request for ENUM delegation > > > > Tomasz, > > Thank you for your e-mail and sorry for the delay. We received your > message from 20 March, but I cannot see the original request you are > referring to. Could you please send the entire original mail > including the full headers, so that I can see if it got lost somewhere > in our system. > > If you< do not object, I will accept the templates below as formal > request and will pass it on to the ITU and the public mailing list > <enum-announce> for review. > > Regards, > Mirjam > > Tomek Zygmuntowicz tomekz@localhost writes: > * > * Hello > * Six days ago (20.03.2002) I sended request concerning ENUM for Poland > * (see below) to you, and I can't find it at the mailing list > * (enum-request@localhost) . > * I would like to ask if there is any problem with it. > * I'm waiting for the response from you > * Thank you for your help. > * Regards > * -Tomasz Zygmuntowicz > * > * On Wed, 20 Mar 2002, Tomek Zygmuntowicz wrote: > * > * > > * > > * > 2.1. Domain Object > * > > * > domain: 8.4.e164.arpa > * > descr: Polish ENUM Mapping > * > descr: NASK ENUM Registry > * > admin-c: AUTO-1 > * > tech-c: AUTO-2 > * > zone-c: AUTO-1 > * > nserver: bilbo.nask.org.pl > * > nserver: kirdan.warman.nask.pl > * > mnt-by: NASK-ENUM-MNT > * > changed: tomekz@localhost > * > source: RIPE > * > > * > 2.2. Administrative Contact > * > > * > person: Andrzej Bartosiewicz > * > address: ul. Bartycka 18 > * > address: 00-716 Warszawa > * > address: Poland > * > phone: +48 22 523 12 04 > * > fax-no: +48 22 841 00 47 > * > e-mail: andrzejb@localhost > * > nic-hdl: AUTO-1 > * > mnt-by: NASK-ENUM-MNT > * > changed: tomekz@localhost > * > source: RIPE > * > > * > 2.3. Technical Contact > * > > * > person: Tomasz Zygmuntowicz > * > address: ul. Bartycka 18 > * > address: 00-716 Warszawa > * > address: Poland > * > phone: +48 22 523 12 04 > * > fax-no: +48 22 523 12 04 > * > e-mail: tomekz@localhost > * > nic-hdl: AUTO-2 > * > mnt-by: NASK-ENUM-MNT > * > changed: tomekz@localhost > * > source: RIPE > * > > * > 2.5. Maintainer Object > * > > * > mntner: NASK-ENUM-MNT > * > descr: Research and Academic Computer Network > * > admin-c: AUTO-1 > * > tech-c: AUTO-2 > * > upd-to: dns@localhost > * > mnt-nfy: dns@localhost > * > auth: PGPKEY-6088D32C > * > mnt-by: NASK-ENUM-MNT > * > referral-by: RIPE-DBM-MNT > * > changed: tomekz@localhost > * > source: RIPE > * > > * > > * >

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