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Fwd: Portions of Country Code 1 that pertain to the U.S.

Please find below a mail submitted to enum-request@localhost by
Scott Marcus. Originally attached Word Document is included at the end
in ascii.

The ENUM administrator

----- original message:

X-Recipient: mir@localhost 
X-Mailer: Novell GroupWise 5.5.2 
Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2002 17:19:03 -0400 
From: "Scott Marcus" SMARCUS@localhost 
To: mir@localhost 
Cc: "Scott Marcus" SMARCUS@localhost 
Subject: Fwd: Portions of Country Code 1 that pertain to the U.S. 

Let me know if you have any questions...
Best regards, 
= Scott 
Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2002 16:56:16 -0400 
From: "Scott Marcus" SMARCUS@localhost 
Cc: "Julie Barrie" JBARRIE@localhost,"Scott Marcus" SMARCUS@localhost, 
KRose@localhost, RLayton@localhost, 
SCheney@localhost, EnnisJG@localhost 
Subject: Portions of Country Code 1 that pertain to the U.S. 
Mime-Version: 1.0 
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="=_D48950C8.84E57B07"

Dear Mirjam:

Enclosed for your information and reference is a copy of a letter sent
from the U.S. Department of State to ITU TSB earlier this week. You
should view this as an informal and unofficial transmittal.

- Scott
J. Scott Marcus 
Senior Advisor for Internet Technology 
Federal Communications Commission

Mr. Houlin Zhao
Telecommunications Standardization Bureau
Place des Nations
CH-1211 Geneve 20

Dear Mr. Zhao:

Events are unfolding rapidly in the area of Enum implementation and
the U.S. wishes to avoid any inadvertent delegation for Enum purposes
of all or part of country code 1 (insofar as country code 1 applies to
the U.S.) to an entity that has not been authorized by the U.S.

Therefore, we ask that the ITU Telecommunications Standardization
Bureau (ITU/TSB) object to any request that it may receive from the
RIPE NCC to any delegation of all or part of country code 1 within the
domain e164.arpa (for example, 1.e164.arpa), to the extent that it
would pertain to the United States, until and unless the United States
Government has authorized the entity making the request.  This would
include both geographic and non-geographic area codes within country
code 1, to the extent they apply to the U.S.
At the present time there are no ITU procedures in place to govern the
process the ITU TSB will follow when it receives such a request from
RIPE NCC.  Interim ITU procedures are under consideration in Study
Group 2, but will not be adopted until the May meeting of the Study
Group at the earliest.  In the meantime, there is a possibility that
RIPE NCC could receive a request for all or part of country code 1
within the domain e164.arpa that would in whole or in part pertain to
the U.S. In the absence of an objection from the ITU TSB, RIPE NCC
could delegate the code to the entity making the request, even though
the U.S. had not authorized the entity making the request and would
have objected had it known of the request.

By means of this letter we wish to avoid any such inadvertent
delegation during the interim period until Study Group 2 adopts formal
procedures for the ITU TSB to follow.

Thank you in advance for your support on this matter.
Let me take this opportunity to say that I very much enjoyed seeing
you in Istanbul and look forward to our next meeting.

David A. Gross
United States Coordinator
International Communications and Information Policy

cc:  Richard Hill, ITU TSB

Mr. Richard Hill
Counsellor, SG2
Place des Nations
CH-1211 Geneve 20
Fax: +41 22 730 5853

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