[eix-wg] EIX @ RIPE61 - New Format and Call for Presentations
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Fearghas McKay fm at st-kilda.org
Mon Sep 27 13:55:00 CEST 2010
Goos Morning RIPE61 is already on the horizon, so we are starting to look for interesting presentations to ISP and IXP audiences, for the EIX-wg. We will meet on Thursday morning - for more information, seehttp://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-61/meeting-plan.html There is an _important change_ in the format of the meetings that we hope will address some of the feedback received - we are replacing the old IX Updates section with a new 'IX News' section. There will be three parts to the IXP sessions - first a slot for the local IXPs to provide information on their history, current operations and future plans, in this context local is Italy. The second slot is open to all IXPs who have have content for 2-3 minutes on interesting work they have been doing that is of interest to the wider community, not just other IXPs. **These slots will be competitive, presentations must be submitted by the 1st November so that we can review them.** This slot is NOT for the old regular style updates - we are looking for NEWS and DEVELOPMENTS rather than business as usual messages. We particularly would like to extend an invitation to new IXPs, or IXPs who have not presented to RIPE before to present some news in this slot. The third slot is aimed as the replacement for the original updates session but in a 30 second format. It is intended to identify IXP operators to the audience & provide a very brief overview of the exchange. More details to follow. These changes will we hope keep the updates fresh whilst retaining the features that different parts of the community value. We have room for more presentations in the IXP slot, please can we have proposals or ideas asap so that we can submit the full agenda well in advance of the meeting. Please send proposals to eix-wg-chairs at ripe.net As a result of these changes we are very unlikely to be taking last minute offers of presentations so please encourage colleagues and fellow IXP operators to join the mailing list so they are aware of these changes. Thanks Andy & Fearghas
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