[eix-wg] RIPE 50 EIX-WG Minutes
Mike Hughes mike at linx.net
Mon Oct 3 18:02:17 CEST 2005
Hi folks, Herewith a copy of the minutes from the EIX-WG meeting at Stockholm for your approval. Please let Fearghas or I know of any issues or discrepancies. Thanks, Mike ----8<------------- EIX-WG May 5th, Thursday, 11:00 - 12:30 RIPE 50, Stockholm Agenda ====== A Scribe B Agenda Bashing C RIPE 49 Minutes Approval 5 minutes for all D IXP Presentations 45 minutes E RIPE NCC Presentation on Routing Registry & associated training courses 5 minutes F Switching Wishlist G The Great (Public vs Private) Peering Debate: Peering at 10Gbps 35 minutes Minutes: ========= A Scribe Vesna Manojlovic from RIPE NCC Attendance sheet circulated B Agenda Bashing Nothing to add C RIPE 49 Minutes Approval Minutes approved D IXP Presentations D.1 AMSIX, Cara Mascini http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-50/presentations/ripe50-eix-amsix.pdf New product launched: 10GE. Night traffic growing the most. Using the TTM boxes to monitor their infrastructure . D.2 DE-CIX, Bernhard Kroenung http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-50/presentations/ripe50-eix-decix.pdf Partner program introduced. Not much difference to regular members. First partner in Luxemburg. Second technical meeting in April. D.3 Equinix, Jay Adelson http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-50/presentations/ripe50-eix-equinix.pdf Equinix is spread around the world (but not in Europe); co-location, used to exchange traffic. D.4 Gigapix, Carlos Friacas (FCCN) http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-50/presentations/ripe50-eix-gigapix.pdf.pdf Small IX, the only one in Portugal. D.5 INXS Munich, Martin McDermott http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-50/presentations/ripe50-eix-inxs.pdf D.6 LINX, Mike Hughes http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-50/presentations/ripe50-eix-linx.pdf MG8 now deployed. The "Faulty Towers" (sic) problem has been patched. Will be upgrading the second LINX platform (currently Extreme) starting later this year. The new web site launched; old one still available. D.7 NaMeX Rome, Daniele Arena http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-50/presentations/ripe50-eix-namex.pdf Asked by the members to look into VoIP peerings. Had a working group on it. D.8 NIX.CZ Prague, Josef Chomyn http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-50/presentations/ripe50-eix-nix-cz.pdf Q: What is the difference between members & customers? A: Memebers can vote; customers have the same contieions, but can not vote. D.9 NDIX (Nl-De), Dietmar Hoelscher http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-50/presentations/ripe50-eix-ndix.pdf D.10 Netnod Stockholm, Kurtis Lindqkvist http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-50/presentations/ripe50-eix-netnod.pdf Located in 5 cities in Sweden, in caves/bunkers. Sponsoring diner, have T-shirts with new logo. D.11 NYIIX/LAIIX (Telehouse America), Sugeno Akio http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-50/presentations/ripe50-eix-laiix.pdf Located in New York & Los Angeles. D.12 Union-IXP, Fearghas McKay http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-50/presentations/ripe50-eix-union.pdf New IXP in Central Scotland. Member-run. D.13 VIX, Christian Panigl http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-50/presentations/ripe50-eix-vix.pdf D.14 Euro-IX, Serge Radovcic http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-50/presentations/ripe50-eix-euroix.pdf E RIPE NCC Presentation on Routing Registry & associated training courses, Vesna Manojlovic http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-50/presentations/ripe50-eix-rr.pdf F Switching Wishlist, Mike Hughes, LINX http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-50/presentations/ripe50-eix-wishlist.pdf URL: http://www.ripe.net/ripe/maillists/archives/eix-wg/2005/msg00010.html Want it to be a two-way dialog with vendors; to review vendor plans for implementation before they get on with it. mike at linx.net for feedback. Q (Christian): Dealine for comments? A: If people are happy with v3.0, it will be published next week. The rest of the feedback will e included in the version 3.1, and published around next RIPE meeting. Q (Gaurab): At APRICOT there was a sucessful operators wishlist discussion. Maybe you would find that interesting to take a look. A: Will take a look. Note by Chair: If you are going to present on the EIX-WG meeting, it would be useful to be subscribed to the mailing list, because I've posted the agenda & the instructions about the upload to the list. G "The Great (Public vs Private) Peering Debate: Peering at 10Gbps" - Bill Norton http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-50/presentations/ripe50-eix-peering-debate.pdf Disucssion: Additional Advantages of Public Peering: 5. (VIX) Peering slut (?!): benefit more from using route servers, for easy management of peering sessions. 6. (AMSIX) Large public peering ports over private connections saves engineers - you set up the peering once, instead of seting-up multiple private ones. 7. (DE-CIX) Redundancy - if you have multiple connections on public peering, and your partners also have multiple connections.. Second port is usually very cheap on most IXPs. A: This model is about only one location; does not take into consideration mulitple locations. 8. Cesnet: The costs are not that high in Enurope. A: I will include those in later version of the spreadsheet. Discussion: Additional Advantages of Private Peering: Maurice from Google: - Over-subscription can be monitored also on the public peering. - You can use both. Keith Mithel: Scaling can be a problem for private peerings. Mike Hughes: People don't have enough back-haul away from the IX. Malcom, Linx: "tapping" possibility would be known much in advance. Maurice, Google: Change in the transition practices: put switches instead of routers into IX. Mike Hughes: Beware using just one or two routers in a metro, can have BGP multipathing problems, leading to convergence problems". The End: best bit now - the T-shirts by Netnod! -----8<------------- -- Mike Hughes Chief Technical Officer London Internet Exchange mike at linx.net http://www.linx.net/ "Only one thing in life is certain: init is Process #1"
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