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Re: Services Operations WG

Havard Eidnes writes:

> I would guess that in the latter point the emphasis is also on basic
> network infrastructure, as we currently know it in the IP world (lines,
> network layer infrastructure, routing, addressing, possibly DNS etc.)

Indeed. The EEPG ToR intends to describe activities in the area of
coordination of basic network services.  As pointed out this includes
e.g operational coordination of basic network application services
such as DNS.  MBONE operational coordination in Europe is another
issue that will be on the agenda for the Amsterdam EEPG meeting.

Ran Atkinson writes:

>   Only "service providers" may participate in IEPG.  All others, including
> campus-level or corporate network operations people are excluded.  It
> is not fully open in the sense that anyone may participate.  For example,
> the NRL Network Operations folks (who manage a large network with sites in
> 3-4 different US states) cannot participate.

Some aspects of the operational coordination process:

  - representation
    Major players have to be around the table to make any decision or
    recommendation coming from this group having any effect within its
    area of interest.

  - knowhow
    Areas to be covered to be represented by people having some
    knowhow here to avoid inadequate decisions or recommendations.

  - efficiency
    Major players within the area of interest shall have a good chance
    of reaching decisions and recommendations within a reasonable
    timeframe. (Having e.g the urgent BGP-4 deployment coordination in

Now, depending on level and focus, various people will participate.
We have to be pragmatic in participation here to make above aspects
possible.  The regional branches of the IEPG will naturally be more
focused on coordinational problems within its region. The intention
is, as I see this, not to be formally open or closed but to maintain
and improve Internet basic services via a successful coordination



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