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Re: Services Operations WG

>I don't see such a group harbouring Directory Service Operations,
>Information service operations, Secure mail operations, x400ops etc.
>Am I wrong?
>                           TERMS OF REFERENCE 
>                                  FOR
>                           Bernhard Stockman
>                           December 27, 1993
>    - propose coordinated deployment of basic distributed network
>      applications.  The overall future of the global networking
>      infrastructure is dependent on our common ability to evolve the
>      collection of basic applications in the direction of enhanced
>      quality and reliability of services.

Peter Dawe, Joint Managing Director	Email: peter@localhost
Unipalm Limited, PIPEX, XTECH		Voice: +44(0)223 420002
216 The Science Park, Milton Road	Fax:    +44(0)223 426868
Cambridge, England, CB4 4WA
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Please assume this message is sent in good humour, with a smile,
until MIME or X.400 has a correct body type! 8->

Peter Dawe, Joint Managing Director	Email: peter@localhost
Unipalm Limited, PIPEX, XTECH		Voice: +44(0)223 420002
216 The Science Park, Milton Road	Fax:    +44(0)223 426868
Cambridge, England, CB4 4WA
This Email does not include smiles, shoulder shrugs and winks. 
Please assume this message is sent in good humour, with a smile,
until MIME or X.400 has a correct body type! 8->

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