[Dnsmon-test] Reports that A.HKIRC.NET.HK is not answering for 香港

Robert Kisteleki robert at ripe.net
Mon Jul 28 10:23:07 CEST 2014


This is correct. We have recently launched a mechanism that keeps track of
zone/NS changes so we can update what DNSMON is measuring. We're about to
kick this process off, so I expect that this will be fixed this week.


On 2014.07.27. 2:27, Shane Kerr wrote:
> Hello,
> The following page:
> https://atlas.ripe.net/dnsmon/group/%E9%A6%99%E6%B8%AF.
> Is reporting that A.HKIRC.NET.HK is dropping >99% of queries for the
> 香港 domain.
> However when I check the NS RRSET for the domain I don't see that
> server listed:
> $ host -t ns xn--j6w193g | sort
> xn--j6w193g name server B.HKIRC.NET.HK.
> xn--j6w193g name server C.HKIRC.NET.HK.
> xn--j6w193g name server D.HKIRC.NET.HK.
> xn--j6w193g name server S.HKIRC.NET.HK.
> xn--j6w193g name server T.HKIRC.NET.HK.
> xn--j6w193g name server U.HKIRC.NET.HK.
> xn--j6w193g name server V.HKIRC.NET.HK.
> xn--j6w193g name server W.HKIRC.NET.HK.
> xn--j6w193g name server X.HKIRC.NET.HK.
> xn--j6w193g name server Y.HKIRC.NET.HK.
> xn--j6w193g name server Z.HKIRC.NET.HK.
> I checked that this name server is not listed in the root zone, nor in
> the zone as carried by the 香港 servers.
> Cheers,
> --
> Shane