[Dnsmon-test] joining dns-mon .ee

Georg Kahest georg.kahest at eestiinternet.ee
Mon Jul 7 17:56:31 CEST 2014

Hello Chris,

Thanks for your quick reply, looking forward to hearing from you.


7.07.2014 17:06, Chris Amin kirjutas:
> Hello Georg,
> We will begin monitoring .ee some time this week.
> For practical purposes that means you will start seeing useful data by 
> next week at the latest. I'll give you a heads up when data starts 
> coming in.
> I'll be very happy to answer any further questions about the service.
> Kind regards,
> Chris Amin
> On 07/07/2014 13:29, Georg Kahest wrote:
>> Hello,
>> We are operators of .ee cctld and are yet again looking into dnsmon, how
>> could we join the project and get our tld monitored ?
>> Georg