[Dnsmon-test] Deactivating dnsmon-test mailing list

Robert Kisteleki robert at ripe.net
Thu Aug 14 10:39:16 CEST 2014

Dear colleagues,

We’d like to thank everyone who participated during the testing phase of the
new DNSMON service. This is now a full production service and is accessible
via RIPE Atlas at:

As a result, the dsnmon-test list is now being deactivated; however, the
archives will remain available at:

Discussions about new features or other issues relating to DNSMON should
take place on the DNS Working Group Mailing List at:
dns-wg at ripe.net

Bugs in the new DNSMON service can be reported to:
atlas at ripe.net

You can find an overview of the new DNSMON service in this RIPE Labs article:

We have proposed a process for adding new Top Level Domains to DNSMON and
are asking for the community’s feedback about this proposal. You can find
the details of this proposal in the dns-wg archives at:

Thank you again for your contributions to the new DNSMON. We look forward to
continuing to work together to make DNSMON a valuable service for the entire
Internet community.

King regards,

Robert Kisteleki
R&D Manager