[Dnsmon-test] .CA - Quick Question

Chris Amin camin at ripe.net
Fri Apr 25 11:19:44 CEST 2014

On 24/04/2014 16:03, Jacques Latour wrote:
> Hi,
> Did I say I love the Beta DNSMON, still learning how to extract and use
> the Atlas json data.

Hi Jacques, thanks for your feedback. Glad to hear that you like the new 

> Questions:
> 1)Do you have a training course to learn for Atlas?

There is currently no training course for RIPE Atlas because we haven't 
had the demand. However, we're always happy to help if you have 
questions. There are also often people in the wider RIPE Atlas community 
who are willing and able to help.


RIPE Atlas raw data format:

RIPE Atlas mailing list:

RIPE Atlas community github:

> 2)How do I change the timezone to be Eastern (i.e. Montreal, Canada?)

It isn't currently possible to change the displayed timezone on DNSMON: 
all times are UTC, which is also the behaviour of the RIPE Atlas and 
RIPEstat UIs.

This has the advantage that times are always consistent (for example, 
between browser sessions, or when you're not logged in, or when you 
share a permalink with somebody else). As with most things, however, if 
there is significant support then we would consider this as an optional 

> 3)Lastly, we had an outage on one of our name servers, how do I
> calculate the availability, simply, like  ( (total dots - red dots) /
> (total dots) *100) for a given period.

That's an interesting question. Right now the closest thing to this 
would be to zoom out in the chart to get to the 2 hour and 1 day 

For instance, in your URL below you can switch to the zone view (by 
clicking on "zone: ca.") so that all probes are aggregated together, and 
then zoom out until you see the 2 hour resolution. You should then be 
able to see that the outage has the following unanswered query rate per 

25% (last green one*), 94.73%, 94.75%, 94.96%, 94.74%, 95.95%, 89.35%, 
3.29% (temporary fix?), 53.33% (also green*) -- meaning that there are 
71.79% unanswered queries or 28.21% availability for this 18 hour time 
period, across all probes.

(* Remember that you can change the red/green thresholds by clicking on 
the colour range legend. In the case of any.ca-servers IPv4 it looks 
like the "normal" value is around about 4%, so setting to 5%-10% really 
highlights outages.)

Another option is to zoom out all the way until you get to the 1 day 
aggregation level. At this point you can simply see that there were 
54.61% unanswered queries on 2014-04-22.

You can of course stay in the server view and calculate the figures in 
exactly the same way, but "per probe".

Does this suffice for your use case? Apologies if I'm stating the 
obvious at all.

> a.+ Allow to filter out bad nodes (like uk-cdf-as48294, because it’s
> always red)
 > *_Or is it something you can calculate on every page?  (this would be a
 > real nice feature)_*

We have it on our radar as a potential feature to be able to selectively 
remove (non-consecutive) rows, although I can't guarantee if/when it 
will be implemented.

In general, the idea behind the RIPE Atlas anchors is that they are very 
stable and reliable (i.e. there should be no "bad nodes" in the medium 
term), so you could consider an anchor with broken IPv4 support to be a 
bug. :) Once this is fixed, this should no longer be a problem.

Hope this helped.

Kind regards,

> https://atlas.ripe.net/dnsmon/group/ca.?dnsmon.session.show-filter=pls&dnsmon.session.color_range_pls=0-66-66-99-100&dnsmon.session.exclude-errors=true&dnsmon.type=server-probes&dnsmon.zone=ca.&dnsmon.startTime=1398124800&dnsmon.endTime=1398210600&dnsmon.ipVersion=both&dnsmon.server=
> Jacques
> CTO, .CA

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