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The dns-wg Archives
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Starting: Fri May 7 15:05:13 CEST 2021
Ending: Fri May 28 21:06:09 CEST 2021
Messages: 10
- [dns-wg] Fwd: [cooperation-wg] Update on NIS 2: Proposed amendments by the Parliament alter scope on (root) DNS Mirjam Kuehne
- [dns-wg] ROW#10 - Final call for proposals Edward Lewis
- [dns-wg] Fwd: [cooperation-wg] Update on NIS 2: Proposed amendments by the Parliament alter scope on (root) DNS Randy Bush
- [dns-wg] Fwd: [cooperation-wg] Update on NIS 2: Proposed amendments by the Parliament alter scope on (root) DNS Michele Neylon - Blacknight
- [dns-wg] Fwd: [cooperation-wg] Update on NIS 2: Proposed amendments by the Parliament alter scope on (root) DNS Randy Bush
- [dns-wg] [cooperation-wg] Update on NIS 2: Proposed amendments by the Parliament alter scope on (root) DNS Marco Hogewoning
- [dns-wg] European Resolver Policy Update Andrew Campling
- [dns-wg] RIPE 82 DNS working group agenda Shane Kerr
- [dns-wg] RIPE 82 DNS working group agenda Joao Luis Silva Damas
- [dns-wg] The 10th Registration Operations Workshop (ROW#10) | June 8th, 2020 | 13:00 - 17:00 UTC Edward Lewis
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