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Can I have a look at your named cache please?
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Geert Jan de Groot
GeertJan.deGroot at
Sun Mar 24 15:44:43 CET 1996
Hi, is stormed with IN A requests for It looks like this isn't an isolated incident; I received similar reports from one of the other nameservers of Given the intensity of the incident (we get 2 times as much requests on this than all other requests combined), I don't believe this is caused by a single bitflip somewhere. It would be real nice if the maintainers of some 'popular' caching nameservers would do a cache dump (kill -INT named), look if is listed somewhere, and send me the details if you find it in your cache. Thanks, Geert Jan
- Previous message (by thread): ripe23-dns draft minutes
- Next message (by thread): Can I have a look at your named cache please?
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