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RIPE: last call for comments RPSL transition
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Christian Panigl, ACOnet/VIX/UniVie
panigl at
Thu Mar 1 19:55:00 CET 2001
Hi Joachim, well I'd say go for it. But let me kindly ask for the following thingies: since the RIPE-NCC is now in charge of the maintenance of the RAtoolset please make sure that there's a release available (specifically RTconfig) which is fully compatible with the RIPE RPSL server by mid of March 2001 latest. It appears that this might be available already (since Feb20 ?), however, the link to "RtConfig Patch for the RAToolSet" of the "RPSL Migration" homepage is broken. In addition, any clear links to concise How2do documents on RAToolSet and RtConfig would be appreciated. Thanks and kind regards CP --- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --- --- Christian Panigl : Vienna University Computer Center - ACOnet --- --- VUCC - ACOnet - VIX : -------------------------------------------- --- --- Universitaetsstrasse 7 : Mail: Panigl at (CP8-RIPE) --- --- A-1010 Vienna / Austria : Tel: +43 1 4277-14032 (Fax: -9140) --- --- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---
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