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Release of patch for ripe-dbase-3.0beta2 software.
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RIPE Database Administration
ripe-dbm at
Thu Mar 1 14:24:35 CET 2001
Dear Colleagues, [Apologies for multiple mails]. This mail is to notify you that today, we have released a patch for the ripe-dbase-3.0beta2 software. This patch has several bug fixes. Specifically, this patch includes, amongst other fixes: - TEMPORARY tables in MySQL 3.23 are supported; - a major memory leak on Solaris 8 has been fixed; - CLIENTADDRESS referral now properly passes addresses; - the "-m" queries work now; - memory allocation bug in dbupdate is fixed; - multiple notification problems have been fixed; - improved acknowledgement and notification message formats. You can download this patch from the following URL: We remind you that you can also test the functionality of this patch for the RIP whois server in 2 ways: - By querying the host at port 43; you will find there a Near-Real-Time Mirror of the RIPE Database. This mirror is in RPSL format. - By using the RIP Test Database. You can send test updates to this database at the address <auto-rip at>, and you can query this database at port 4343. We would be very pleased if you could test the patch in both ways, and let us know your opinions. Please send your comments and bug reports to the <db-beta at> mailing list. To subscribe to this list, send a message to <majordomo at> with the line: subscribe db-beta in the body of your letter. This is a moderated mailing list so some delays in subscription are possible. If you are interested in providing to the community tools and documentation supporting the RIPE-181 to RPSL migration, you are welcome to join the reimp-mig-tf mailing list. To subscribe to this list, follow the instructions given above for subscribing to the db-beta list (doing s/db\-beta/reimp\-mig\-tf/, of course :-). If you have any questions, please contact <ripe-dbm at>. Regards, A. M. R. Magee ______________ Database Group RIPE NCC
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