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The db-wg Archives
Messages sorted by: [ subject ] [ author ] [ date ]
Starting: Mon Apr 2 13:28:22 CEST 2001
Ending: Fri Apr 27 17:38:53 CEST 2001
Messages: 39
- Plan of the migration to the new RIPE Database
Andrei Robachevsky
- Plan of the migration to the new RIPE Database Andrei Robachevsky
- Another issue related to the migration Andrei Robachevsky
- RIPE Database Software Version 3.0. DB-News
- Migration of the TEST database is delayed Andrei Robachevsky
- Migration of the TEST database is completed Andrei Robachevsky
- rpsl bug? Andrei Robachevsky
- First phase of the migration to the new RIPE Database is completed DB-News
Christian Panigl, ACOnet/VIX/UniVie
- Fwd: BLOCK: RIPE Poul-Henning Kamp
- Fwd: BLOCK: RIPE Steve Atkins
- New RPSL Query of aut-num objects Sascha E. Pollok
- New DB and line continuation?
RIPE Database Administration
- New DB and line continuation? Andrei Robachevsky
- auto-rpsl at MIME parser problem and auth failure Daniel Roesen
- update problems with auto-dbm at
RIPE Database Administration
- update problems with auto-dbm at Frank Bohnsack
- PGP auth?
RIPE Database Administration
- PGP auth? Gert Doering
- draft agenda (v1), for DB-WG meeting, RIPE 39, Bologna Wilfried Woeber, UniVie/ACOnet
- draft agenda routing/joint routing&db wg RIPE 39 SchmitzJo at
- PGP authentication in the RIPE Database.
RIPE Database Administration
- PGP authentication in the RIPE Database. Daniel Roesen
- as-set syntax errors ? Low, Adam
- RETRY: as-set syntax errors ?
Low, Adam
- RETRY: as-set syntax errors ? Low, Adam
- RETRY: as-set syntax errors ? Ulf Kieber
- RETRY: as-set syntax errors ?
Low, Adam
- RETRY: as-set syntax errors ? Ulf Kieber
- RETRY: as-set syntax errors ?
Low, Adam
- RETRY: as-set syntax errors ? Engin Gunduz
- RETRY: as-set syntax errors ? Low, Adam
- whoisRIP -k
Frank Bohnsack
- whoisRIP -k Shane Kerr
- The status of the migration iissues
Andrei Robachevsky
- The status of the migration iissues ripe-dbm at
- The status of the migration iissues Daniel Roesen
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