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Starting: Mon Mar 1 12:47:06 CET 1999
Ending: Thu Mar 18 00:58:12 CET 1999
Messages: 23
- Adding nic handles to contact objects without one
Andreas.Wittkemper at
- Adding nic handles to contact objects without one Joao Luis Silva Damas
- [Fwd: FAILED:]
Nader S Kawar
- [Fwd: FAILED:] Engin Gunduz
- Modifications to the inet6num in the RIPE Database
Joao Luis Silva Damas
- Modifications to the inet6num in the RIPE Database
Joao Luis Silva Damas
- Modifications to the inet6num in the RIPE Database
Simon Leinen
- Modifications to the inet6num in the RIPE Database Joao Luis Silva Damas
- Modifications to the inet6num in the RIPE Database David Kessens
- Modifications to the inet6num in the RIPE Database
Simon Leinen
- Modifications to the inet6num in the RIPE Database
Wilfried Woeber, UniVie/ACOnet
- Modifications to the inet6num in the RIPE Database
Joao Luis Silva Damas
- Modifications to the inet6num in the RIPE Database Engin Gunduz
- Modifications to the inet6num in the RIPE Database Guy Davies
- Modifications to the inet6num in the RIPE Database
Joao Luis Silva Damas
- Modifications to the inet6num in the RIPE Database
Wilfried Woeber, UniVie/ACOnet
- Modifications to the inet6num in the RIPE Database
Poul-Henning Kamp
- Modifications to the inet6num in the RIPE Database David Kessens
- Modifications to the inet6num in the RIPE Database Engin Gunduz
- Modifications to the inet6num in the RIPE Database Poul-Henning Kamp
- Modifications to the inet6num in the RIPE Database Bruce Campbell
- Modifications to the inet6num in the RIPE Database Guy Davies
- Modifications to the inet6num in the RIPE Database
Poul-Henning Kamp
- Modifications to the inet6num in the RIPE Database
Joao Luis Silva Damas
- Annoing lists.:(
Irmantas Gudelis
- Annoing lists.:( RIPE Database Administration
- Annoing lists.:( RIPE Database Administration
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