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"changed" field should be deleted
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Christian Panigl, ACOnet/UniVie
panigl at
Fri Jun 5 13:39:05 CEST 1998
>Date: Fri, 5 Jun 1998 11:12:32 +0200 >From: kissg at > >What is your opinion? Hi Gabor, by chance I know someone who already had similar thoughts, guess who ;-) >(Personally I've changed my jobs years ago but my e-mail address >can be found in hundreds of *ch fields. So I hate the >anti-spam spam as well than the spam itself.) How about changing our mail address, let's say every two weeks ?-( I'd vote for your first suggestion: >- modified database software that hides the *ch field. *ch's could > be retrieved with some extra efforts only Probably this could/should be combined with introducing "real" changed records (added by the database software using mail-header of update). Cheers Christian --- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --- --- Christian Panigl : Vienna University Computer Center - ACOnet --- --- VUCC - ACOnet - VIX : -------------------------------------------- --- --- Universitaetsstrasse 7 : Mail: Panigl at (CP8-RIPE) --- --- A-1010 Vienna / Austria : Tel: +43 1 4277-14032 (Fax: -9140) --- --- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---
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