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nic handle feature

On request from the other NCC staff, I have tightened the checking on
nic handles. The version of syntax.pl below will no longer accept nic
handles for persons with different names that the person currently in
the database holding the same handle. This addition is only useful if
your database contains persons with nic handles. However, the routine
ExistsObject() inside syntax.pl can be used for various other purposes.
Drop in src/syntax.pl and run a "make" in the database top level dir.


PS For those who have line-wrap problems with email, the ftpable copy
on ftp://ncc.ripe.net/dbase-beta/dbase-beta.tar.gz is kept up-to-date
with any changes made.

#	$RCSfile: syntax.pl,v $
#	$Revision: 0.53 $
#	$Author: ripe-dbm $
#	$Date: 1995/01/17 15:58:00 $
#       ARGUMENTS:      *ASSOC object
#       RETURNS:        INTEGER object_status
#       Object status = $O_OK, $O_WARNING, $O_ERROR
#       Object will be changed to have warnings and errors
# This is the really ugly bit, where the syntax of all the fields is checked
# This is completely independent of the config file and needs additions if
# you add your own fields. It does not check whether fields are allowed in
# this object, whether they are supposed to be multiple or any of that
# That part is basic configuration driven and can be found in enparse.pl
# The syntax stuff needs to be re-written at a later date to allow for
# configurable syntax. This is in the dreams of someones mind.....

require "adderror.pl";
require "net2net.pl";    # various routines to make classless life easier
require "misc.pl";	 # this one has quite a few used sub routines
require "maintainer.pl";	# For mnt-by verification

# This routine checks whether a specific object with a certain source
# and type exists. It will return the number of hits. Does NOT work for
# IP address just yet and has to be moved away from here .... If $lookup
# is set, then it will also return the first object in the list.

require "dbopen.pl";
require "dbmatch.pl";
require "dbclose.pl";
require "enread.pl";

sub ExistsObject {
    local($key, $type, $source, $lookup) = @_;

    local(*i) ='curdb';
    local($dbfile) = "";
    local(%nothing) = ();
    local(@keys) =($key);
    local(%en) = ();

    if ($TYPE{$source} eq "SPLIT") {
	$dbfile = "$DBFILE{$source}.$type";
    } else {
	$dbfile = $DBFILE{$source};

    if (&dbopen(i, *nothing, 0, $dbfile)) {
	@matches = &dbmatch(*i, *keys, 1);
    } else {
	return -1;
    if ($lookup) {
	%en = &enread(i, $matches[0]);


    if ($lookup) {
	return $#matches+1, %en;
    } else {
	return $#matches+1;

sub checksyntax {

    local(*object) = @_;
    local($rtcode) =$O_OK;
    local($itmp, $val, $msg);

    print STDERR "checksyntax - called\n" if $opt_V;

    foreach $itmp (keys %object) {
	if ($object{$itmp} eq "") {
	    ($val, $msg) = &dosyntax($itmp, "", *object);
	    if ($val == $O_WARNING) {
		&addwarning(*object, $msg);
		$rtcode = $O_WARNING if $rtcode == $O_OK;
	    elsif ($val == $O_ERROR) {
		&adderror(*object, $msg);
		$rtcode = $O_ERROR;
	} else {
# Got to preprocess the multi-line semantic attributes. sigh.. Did I really
# think this was a good idea ??
# The way this works is $peer and $wt (this is a combination depending on the
# attribute) are used as a key to check wrapped lines. 
# This is probably not the best way of doing this as you to do a lot of 
# splitting to get the correct unique keys.
# You also have to split differently depending on whether syntax sugar exists.
	    if($itmp eq "ai" || $itmp eq "ao" || $itmp eq "it" || $itmp eq "io") {
		local($FLAG) = $itmp;
		local(@array) = split(/\n/, $object{$itmp});
		local($j,$k) = 0;
		local(%linewrap) = ();
		local(%newval) = ();
		foreach $j (0..$#array) {
# as-in lines
		    if($FLAG eq "ai") {
			if($array[$j] =~ /^from/) {
			    ($sugar1, $peer, $wt, $sugar2, $pol) =
				split(/\s+/, $array[$j], 5);
			    if($sugar2 ne "accept") {
				&adderror(*object, "keyword problem in as-in line for peer $peer cost $wt");
				$rtcode = $O_ERROR;
			} else {
			    ($peer, $wt, $pol) = split(/\s+/, $array[$j], 3);
			$object{$itmp} =~ s/from\s+|accept\s+//g;
# as-out lines
		    } elsif ($FLAG eq "ao") {
			if($array[$j] =~ /^to/) {
			    ($sugar1, $peer, $sugar2, $pol) = 
				split(/\s+/, $array[$j], 4);
			    $wt = 1;
			    if($sugar2 ne "announce") {
				&adderror(*object, "keyword problem in as-out line for peer $peer");
				$rtcode = $O_ERROR;
			} else {
			    ($peer, $pol) = split(/\s+/, $array[$j], 2);
			    $wt = 1;
			$object{$itmp} =~ s/to\s+|announce\s+//g;
# interas-in lines
		    } elsif ($FLAG eq "it") {
# Get rid of spaces in (<pref-type>=<value>)
			$array[$j] =~ 
			if($array[$j] =~ /^from/) {
			    ($sugar1, $peer, $lid, $rid, $cost, $sugar2, $pol) 
				= split(/\s+/, $array[$j], 7);
			    if($sugar2 ne "accept") {
				&adderror(*object, "keyword problem in interas-in line for peer $peer cost $cost");
				$rtcode = $O_ERROR;
			    $wt = "$lid-$rid-$cost";
			} else {
			    ($peer, $lid, $rid, $cost, $pol)  = 
				split(/\s+/, $array[$j], 5);
			    $wt = "$lid-$rid-$cost";
			$object{$itmp} =~ s/from\s+|accept\s+//g;
# interas-out lines
		    } elsif ($FLAG eq "io") {
			local($gotmet) = 0;
# This is where you have insert new ``mertic-type'' values and get rid of 
# spaces
			if ($array[$j] =~ /metric-out/) {
			    $array[$j] =~ s/\(\s*metric\-out\s*\=\s*(\S+)\s*\)/\(metric-out=\1\)/;
			    $gotmet = 1;
			if($array[$j] =~ /^to/) {
			    if($gotmet) {
				($sugar1, $peer, 
				 $lid, $rid, $metric, $sugar2, $pol) = 
				     split(/\s+/, $array[$j], 7);
				$wt = "$lid-$rid-$metric";
			    } else {
				($sugar1, $peer, $lid, $rid, $sugar2, $pol) =
				    split(/\s+/, $array[$j], 6);
				$wt = "$lid-$rid";
			    if($sugar2 ne "announce") {
				&adderror(*object, "keyword problem in interas-out line for peer $peer");
				$rtcode = $O_ERROR;
			} else {
			    if($gotmet) {
				($peer, $lid, $rid, $metric, $pol) =
				    split(/\s+/, $array[$j], 5);
				$wt = "$lid-$rid-$metric";
			    } else {
				($peer, $lid, $rid, $pol) = 
				   split(/\s+/, $array[$j], 4);
				$wt = "$lid-$rid";
			$object{$itmp} =~ s/to\s+|announce\s+//g;
# Now finally check if the lines are the same.
		    if($newval{"$peer:$wt"}) {
			if($linewrap{"$peer:$wt"}) {
			    $newval{"$peer:$wt"} = $newval{"$peer:$wt"}." ".$pol;
			} else {
			    $newval{"$peer:$wt"} = $newval{"$peer:$wt"}."\n".$array[$j];
		    } else {
			$newval{"$peer:$wt"} = $array[$j];
		    $linewrap{"$peer:$wt"} = 1;
# Now loop through the value and syntax check the re-built line
		foreach $k (keys %newval) {
		    foreach $l (split(/\n/, $newval{$k})) {
			local($val, $msg) = &dosyntax("$FLAG", $l, *object);
			if ($val == $O_WARNING) {
			    &addwarning(*object, $msg);
			    $rtcode = $O_WARNING if $rtcode == $O_OK;
			elsif ($val == $O_ERROR) {
			    &adderror(*object, $msg);
			    $rtcode = $O_ERROR;
# Otherwise just split on newlines and pass line by line to syntax checker
	    } else {
		foreach $j (split(/\n/, $object{$itmp})) {
		    local($val, $msg) = &dosyntax($itmp, $j, *object);
		    if ($val == $O_WARNING) {
			&addwarning(*object, $msg);
			$rtcode = $O_WARNING if $rtcode == $O_OK;
		    elsif ($val == $O_ERROR) {
			&adderror(*object, $msg);
			$rtcode = $O_ERROR;
    print STDERR "checksyntax - returned\n" if $opt_V;
    return $rtcode;

sub dosyntax {

    local($key, $value, *object) = @_;


# ua - authorise
    if ($key eq "ua") {
        if ($value !~ /\S/) {
            return $O_ERROR, "illegal authorisation value";

# uo - override

    if ($key eq "uo") {
        if ($value !~ /\S/) {
            return $O_ERROR, "illegal override value";

# ud - delete
# The delete is a bit of a pain. Since we want to be able to delete
# objects that actually contain syntax errors, they are NOT syntax
# checked. Therefore, all the syntax checking for deletes is actually
# done in misc.pl sub &hasdelete. This is not very nice, but the only
# thing that actually works. Below is commented out.

#    if ($key eq "ud") {
#        if ($value !~ /\S/) {
#            return $O_ERROR, "delete attribute must contact email address and reason for delete";
#        }
#        return;
#    }


    return if $value eq "";
# aa - see na

# ac - admin-c
    if ($key eq "ac") {
	if (!&isname($value)) {
	    return $O_ERROR, "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}\"";
# ad - address
    if ($key eq "ad") {
	if ($value !~ /^.*$/) {
	    return $O_ERROR, "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}\"";
# ae - as-exclude
    if ($key eq "ae") {
	local($sugar1, $as, $sugar2, $rest) = "";
	if($value =~ /^exclude/) {
	    ($sugar1, $as, $sugar2, $rest) = split(/\s+/, $value, 4);
	    if($sugar2 ne "to") {
		return $O_ERROR, "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}\"";
	} else {
	    ($as, $rest) = split(/\s+/, $value,2);
	if(!&isasnum($as)) {
	    return $O_ERROR, 
	    "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}: $value\" - neigbor peer".
		" $as doesn't look like an AS";
	if(&isasnum($rest) || 
	   &iscommunity($rest) || 
	   &isasmacro($rest) ||
	   ($rest eq "ANY")) {
	    $object{$key} =~ s/exclude\s+|to\s+//g;
	} else {
	    return $O_ERROR, 
	    "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}: $value\" - exclude-route-keyword".
		" $rest unknown";
# ai - as-in
    if ($key eq "ai") {
# This line has been pre-processed above.
# remove syntax fluff, flip to unpper case for ases and remove leading WS
	$value =~ s/from\s*//;
	$value =~ s/accept\s*//;
	$value =~ s/[aA][sS]/AS/g;
	$value =~ s/^\s+//;
# split the line up into AS, cost and the policy
	local($as,$pref,$pol) = split(/\s+/,$value,3);
	if (!&isasnum($as)) {
	    return $O_ERROR, 
	    "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}: $value\"\nneigbour peer".
		" $as doesn't look like an AS";
	if (!$pref) {
	    return $O_ERROR, 
	    "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}: $value\"\nyou must give a cost";
	if (!&isaspref($pref)) {
	    return $O_ERROR, 
	    "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}: $value\"\ncost $pref ".
		"must be a positive integer";
	if (!$pol) {
	    return $O_ERROR, 
	    "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}: $value\"\n\tno ".
		"routing policy expression given";
# now check equal brackets and braces
	if(!&isbracket($pol)) {
	    return $O_ERROR, 
	    "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}: peer $as cost $pref\"" .
		"\n\tunequal brackets \"\(\)\"\n";
	if(!&isbrace($pol)) {
	    return $O_ERROR, 
	    "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}: peer $as cost $pref\"" .
		"\n\tunequal braces \"\{\}\"\n";
# Now grab the netlist entries and check they are ok
	local($tmppol) = $pol;
	while($tmppol =~ s/(\{[^\}]*\})// ) {
	    if(!&isnetlist($1)) {
		return $O_ERROR, 
		"syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}: peer $as cost $pref\"".
		    "\n\tnetlist error $1";
# Now check the actual keywords
	while($tmppol =~ s/(\S+)//) {
	    if (!&isaskeyword($1)) {
		return $O_ERROR, 
		"syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}: peer $as cost $pref\"\n\t$1 ".

		    "is not a routing policy KEYWORD";
# al - as-list
    if ($key eq "al") {
	$value =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
	local(@aslist) = split(/\s+/, $value);
	foreach $i (@aslist) {
	    if(!&isasnum($i) && !&isasmacro($i)) {
		return $O_ERROR, "illegal value \"$i\" in \"$ATTL{$key}\"";
# an - aut-num
    if ($key eq "an") {
	$value =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
	if (!&isasnum($value)) {
	    return $O_ERROR,
	    "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}\" - $value is not a valid AS";
	if (($object{$key} =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/)) {
	    return $O_WARNING, "\"$ATTL{$key}\" value uppercased";
# am - as-macro
    if ($key eq "am") {
	if(!&isasmacro($value)) {
	    return $O_ERROR, "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}\"";
# ao - as-out
    if ($key eq "ao") {
	$value =~ s/to//;
	$value =~ s/announce//;
	$value =~ s/[aA][sS]/AS/g;
	$value =~ s/^\s+//;
# split up into AS and policy
	local($as,$pol) = split(/\s+/,$value,2);
	if (!&isasnum($as)) {
	    return $O_ERROR, 
	    "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}: $value\" - ".
		"neigbour peer $as doesn't look like an AS";
	if (!$pol) {
	    return $O_ERROR, 
	    "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}: $value\" - ".
		"no routing policy expression given";
# now check equal brackets and braces.
	if(!&isbracket($pol)) {
	    return $O_ERROR, 
	    "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}: peer $as \"" .
		"\n\tunequal brackets \"\(\)\"\n";
	if(!&isbrace($pol)) {
	    return $O_ERROR, 
	    "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}: peer $as \"" .
		"\n\tunequal brackets \"\(\)\"\n";
# Now grab loop through netlist entries and check they are ok
# Here a netlist entry is anything between braces.
	local($tmppol) = $pol;
	while($tmppol =~ s/(\{[^\}]*\})// ) {
	    if(!&isnetlist($1)) {
		return $O_ERROR, 
		"syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}: peer $as \"".
		    "\n\tnetlist error $1";
	while($tmppol =~ s/(\S+)//) {
	    if (!&isaskeyword($1)) {
		return $O_ERROR, 
		"syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}: peer $as \"".
		    "\n\t$1 is not a routing policy KEYWORD";

# as - aut-sys
    if ($key eq "as") {
	if ($value !~ /^\d+$/) {
	    if (!&isasnum($value)) {
		return $O_ERROR, "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}\"";
# at - auth
    if ($key eq "at") {
	local(@authstr) = split(/\s+/, $value, 2);
	if ($authstr[0] eq "NONE") {
	    if ($authstr[1] !~ /^$/) {
		return $O_ERROR, "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}\"".
		    "- $authstr[1] is extraneous for $authstr[0]";
	    } else {
	if ($authstr[0] eq "CRYPT-PW") {
	    if(length($authstr[1]) != 13) {
		return $O_ERROR, "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}\"" .
		    " - password \"$authstr[1]\" is incorrect length";
	    } else {
	elsif ($authstr[0] eq "MAIL-FROM") {
	    local($regex) = $value;
	    $regex =~ s/^\s*MAIL\-FROM\s*//;
	    eval "/$regex/;";
	    if ($@) {
		return $O_ERROR, "\"$regex\" is not a legal regular expression";
	    } else {
	else {
	    return $O_ERROR, "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}\" $value";
# au - authority
    if ($key eq "au") {
	if ($value !~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.\ \,\(\)\/]+$/) {
	    return $O_ERROR, "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}\"";
# av - advisory
    if ($key eq "av") {
	local(@list) = split(/\s+/, $value);
        if (!&isasnum($list[0])) {
            return $O_ERROR, 
	    "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}\" - $list[0] is no a valid peer";
# the RIPE-60 tags are just given a simple parse - not really needed
# as they are basically guarded.
# bg - bdry-gw
    if ($key eq "bg") {
	if ($value !~ /^[A-Z0-9\-]+$/) {
	    return $O_ERROR, "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}\"";
# bi - bis
#      bis - Boundary intermediate system i.e. CLNS nonsense
    if ($key eq "bi") {
	local(@prefixes) = split(/\s+/, $value);
	if ($#prefixes > 1) {
	    return $O_ERROR, "too many prefixes in \"$ATTL{$key}\"";
	foreach $i (@prefixes) {
	    if (!&isclnsprefix($i)) {
		return $O_ERROR, 
		"illegal NSAP prefix syntax in \"$ATTL{$key}\"";
# bl - bdrygw-l
    if ($key eq "bl") {
	if ($value !~ /^[A-Z0-9\-\ ]+$/) {
	    return $O_ERROR, "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}\"";
# Try to do something clever with the changed field
# ch - changed
    if ($key eq "ch") {
	(@tmp) = split(/\s+/, $value);
	$email = "$tmp[0]";
	foreach $i (1..$#tmp-1) { # This is for emails with spaces ;-(
	    $email .= " $tmp[$i]";
	$date = "$tmp[$#tmp]" if ($tmp[$#tmp] =~ /^\d+$/);
	if (!(&isemail($email))) {
	    return $O_ERROR, "syntax error in e-mail part of \"$ATTL{$key}\"";
	local($s, $m, $h, $md, $mo, $y) = localtime(time);
	$mo += 1;
	$md = "0".$md unless $md > 9;
	$mo = "0".$mo unless $mo > 9;
	$y = "0".$y unless $y > 9;
	local($curdate) = "$y$mo$md";

	if ($date eq "") {
	    $object{$key} .= " $curdate";
	    return $O_WARNING, 
	    "todays date ($curdate) added to \"$ATTL{$key}\" attribute";
	if ($date !~ /^(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)$/) {
	    return $O_ERROR, "date part of \"$ATTL{$key}\"".
		"not in YYMMDD format";
	# 1988 is the start of the world. This is where we test for proper
	# date values of YYMMDD

	if (($1 < 88) || ($2 > 12) || ($3 > 31)) {
	    return $O_ERROR, "date part of \"$ATTL{$key}\" is not a valid YYMMDD value";
	if ($date gt $curdate) {
	    $object{$key} =~ s/$date/$curdate/;
	    return $O_WARNING,
	    "date in \"$ATTL{$key}\" ($date) is in the ".
		"future - changed to $curdate";
# This is the "community" stuff.
# It needs to make sure RIPE-81 keywords aren't there.
# cl - comm-list
    if ($key eq "cl") {
	local(@crap) = split(/\s+/,$value);
	foreach $j (@crap) {
	    if (!&iscommunity($j)) {
		return $O_ERROR, 
		"syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}\" - ".
		    "is an illegal keyword community name \"$j\"";
	    local($copy) = $j;
	    $copy =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
	    local($stat) = &ExistsObject($copy, "cm", $object{"so"});
	    if ($stat < 1 ) {
		return $O_ERROR, "community \"$j\" does not exist in ".
		    "the $object{\"so\"} database";
# cm - community
    if ($key eq "cm") {
	if (!&iscommunity($value)) {
	    return $O_ERROR, 
	    "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}\" - ".
		"illegal community name \"$j\"";
# co - connect
# check the list of connect values from the config.
    if ($key eq "co") {
	foreach $j (split(/\s+/, $value)) {
	    if (!$CONNECT{$j}) {
		return $O_ERROR, "unknown connect value \"$j\"";
# cy - country
    if ($key eq "cy") {
	if (!$COUNTRY{$value}) {
	    return $O_ERROR, "unknown country \"$value\"";
	} else {
	    if ($COUNTRY{$value} ne $value) {
		$object{$key} = $COUNTRY{$value};
		return $O_WARNING, 
		"country \"$value\" changed to \"$COUNTRY{$value}\"";
# de - descr
    if ($key eq "de") {
	if ($value !~ /^.*$/) {
	    return $O_ERROR, "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}\"";
# df - default
    if ($key eq "df") {
	local($rest) = "";
	if ($object{"dp"}) {
	    $value =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
	    ($prefix, $pref,$rest) = split(/\s+/, $value, 3);
	    if (!&isclnsprefix($prefix)) {
		return $O_ERROR, 
		"syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}: $value\" - incorrect ".
		    "NSAP prefix";
	else {
	    $value =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
	    ($as,$pref,$rest) = split(/\s+/,$value, 3);
	    if (!&isasnum($as)) {
		return $O_ERROR, "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}: $value\" ".
		    "- default peer $as doesn't look like an AS";
	if (!$pref) {
	    return $O_ERROR, 
	    "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}: $value\" - you must give a cost";
	if (!&isaspref($pref)) {
	    return $O_ERROR, 
	    "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}: $value\" - ".
		"cost $pref must be a positive integer";
	if($rest && !$object{"dp"}) {
	    $rest =~ s/STATIC/static/;
	    $rest =~ s/DEFAULT/default/;
	    if (&isnetlist($rest) ||
		($rest eq "static") || 
		($rest eq "default")) {}
	    else {
		return $O_ERROR,
		"syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}\" - ".
		    "\"$rest\" is invalid";
	    $object{$key} =~ s/STATIC/static/;
	    $object{$key} =~ s/DEFAULT/default/;
	    $object{$key} =~ s/[aA][sS]/AS/g;
# Check to make sure the network list looks reasonable
# di - dom-net
    if ($key eq "di") {
	local(@list) = split(/\s+/,$value);
	local($j) = 0;
	foreach $j (0..$#list) {
	    if (!&isnetnum($list[$j])) {
		return $O_ERROR, "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}\" - ".
		    "illegal IP network number $list[$j]";
# dm - dom-in
    if($key eq "dm") {
	local($bis,$pref,@crap) = split(/\s+/,$value);
        if (!&isclnsprefix($bis)) {
            return $O_ERROR, 
            "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}: $value\" - dom-prefix".
                " $bis doesn't look like an NSAP";
        if (!$pref) {
            return $O_ERROR, 
            "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}: $value\" - you must give a cost";
        if (!&isaspref($pref)) {
            return $O_ERROR, 
            "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}: $value\" - cost $pref ".
                "must be a positive integer";
        if ($#crap < 0 ) {
            return $O_ERROR, 
            "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}: $value\" - no ".
                "routing policy expression given";
        foreach $k (@crap) {
            if (!&isclnskeyword($k)) {
                return $O_ERROR, 
                "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}: $value\" - $k ".
                    "is not a routing policy KEYWORD";
# dn - domain
    if ($key eq "dn") {
	if (!&isdomname($value)) {
	    return $O_ERROR, "illegal domain name in $value";
# do - dom-out
    if ($key eq "do") {
	local($bis,@crap) = split(/\s+/,$value);
        if (!&isclnsprefix($bis)) {
            return $O_ERROR, 
            "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}: $value\" - ".
                "dom-prefix \"$bis\" doesn't look like an NSAP prefix";
        if ($#crap < 0 ) {
            return $O_ERROR, 
            "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}: $value\" - ".
                "no routing policy expression given";
        foreach $k (@crap) {
            if (!&isclnskeyword($k)) {
                return $O_ERROR, "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}: $value\" - ".
                    "$k is not a routing policy KEYWORD";
# dp - dom-prefix
    if ($key eq "dp") {
	if (!&isclnsprefix($value)) {
	    return $O_ERROR, "illegal NSAP prefix format in \"$ATTL{$key}\"";
# da - dom-name
    if ($key eq "da") {
	if ($value !~ /^[a-zA-Z\-0-9\.]+$/) {
	    return $O_ERROR, "illegal $ATTL{$key} name";
# dt - upd-to
    if ($key eq "dt") {
	if (!&isemail($value)) {
	    return $O_ERROR, 
	    "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}\" ".
		"- \"$value\" is not in \(RFC822\) format";
# em - e-mail
    if ($key eq "em") {
	if (!&isemail($value)) {
	    return $O_ERROR, 
	    "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}\" ".
		"- \"$value\" is not in \(RFC822\) format";
# gd - guardian
    if ($key eq "gd") {
	if (!(&isemail($value))) {
	    return $O_ERROR, 
	    "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}\" - ".
		"guardian must be a mailbox entry";

# gw - gateway
    if ($key eq "gw") {
	if ($value !~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.\ ]+$/) {
	    return $O_WARNING, "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}\"";	
# ho - hole
# still need to check against route entry
    if ($key eq "ho") {
	local($stat, $msg, @str) = &netpre_verify($value);
	if($stat == $NOK) {
	    return $O_ERROR, "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}\"\n$msg\n";
# if - ifaddr
    if ($key eq "if") {
	local($if, $mask) = split(/\s+/, $value, 2);
	if(!&isipaddr($if)) {
	    return $O_ERROR, "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}\""
		. " $if is incorrect";
	if(!&ismask($mask)) {
	    return $O_ERROR, "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}\""
		. " $mask is incorrect";
# ii - ias-int

    if ($key eq "ii") {
	local(@iistr) = split(/\s+/,$value);	
	if ($#iistr != 1 ) {
	    return $O_ERROR, 
	    "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}\" - wrong number of components";
	if (!&isipaddr($iistr[0])) {
	    return $O_ERROR, 
	    "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}\" - \"$iistr[0]\" ".
		"is not a valid IP address";
	if (!&isasnum($iistr[1])) {
	    return $O_ERROR, 
	    "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}\" - ".
		"\"$iistr[1]\" is not a valid AS";
# it - interas-in
    if ($key eq "it") {
# This line has been pre-processed above.
# remove syntax fluff, flip to unpper case for ases and remove leading WS
        $value =~ s/from\s*//;
        $value =~ s/accept\s*//;
        $value =~ s/[aA][sS]/AS/g;
        $value =~ s/^\s+//;
# split the line up into AS, lid, rid, cost and the policy
	local($as, $lid, $rid, $pref, $pol) = split(/\s+/,$value, 5);
	if (!&isasnum($as)) {
            return $O_ERROR,
            "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}: $value\"\n\tneigbour peer".
                " $as doesn't look like an AS";
	if (!&isipaddr($lid) || !&isipaddr($rid)) {
	    return $O_ERROR,
            "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}: $value\"\n\tip address error";
	if (!$pref) {
            return $O_ERROR,
            "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}: $value\"\nyou must give a cost";
        if ($pref !~ /^\(pref=(\S+)\)$/) {
            return $O_ERROR,
            "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}: $value\" preferece is invalid";
	if ($1 ne "MED" && $1 !~ /^\d+$/) {
	    return $O_ERROR,
                "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}: $value\"".
		    "\n\t<pref-type> value \"$1\" is invalid";
        if (!$pol) {
            return $O_ERROR,
            "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}: $value\"\n\tno ".
                "routing policy expression given";
# now check equal brackets and braces
        if(!&isbracket($pol)) {
            return $O_ERROR,
            "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}: peer $as cost $pref\"" .
                "\n\tunequal brackets \"\(\)\"\n";
        if(!&isbrace($pol)) {
            return $O_ERROR,
            "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}: peer $as cost $pref\"" .
                "\n\tunequal braces \"\{\}\"\n";
# Now grab the netlist entries and check they are ok
        local($tmppol) = $pol;
        while($tmppol =~ s/(\{[^\}]*\})// ) {
            if(!&isnetlist($1)) {
                return $O_ERROR,
                "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}: peer $as cost $pref\"".
                    "\n\tnetlist error $1";
# Now check the actual keywords
        while($tmppol =~ s/(\S+)//) {
            if (!&isaskeyword($1)) {
                return $O_ERROR,
                "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}: peer $as cost $pref\"\n\t$1 ".
                    "is not a routing policy KEYWORD";
# io - interas-out
    if ($key eq "io") {
	local($gotmet) = 0;
	local($as, $lib, $rid, $metric, $pol);
        $value =~ s/to//;
        $value =~ s/announce//;
        $value =~ s/[aA][sS]/AS/g;
        $value =~ s/^\s+//;
# split up into parts
	if ($value =~ /metric-out/) {
	    $gotmet = 1;
	    ($as, $lid, $rid, $metric, $pol) = split(/\s+/, $value, 5);
	} else {
	    ($as, $lid, $rid, $pol) = split(/\s+/, $value, 4);
        if (!&isasnum($as)) {
            return $O_ERROR,
            "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}: $value\" - ".
                "neigbour peer $as doesn't look like an AS";
        if (!&isipaddr($lid) || !&isipaddr($rid)) {
            return $O_ERROR,
            "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}: $value\"\n\tip address error";
	if ($gotmet) {
	    if ($metric !~ /^\(metric-out=(\S+)\)$/) {
		return $O_ERROR,
		"syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}: $value\"".
		    "\n\t<metric-type> is invalid";
	    if ($1 ne "IGP" && $1 !~ /^\d+$/) {
		return $O_ERROR, 
		"syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}: $value\"".
		    "\n\t<metric-type> value \"$1\" is invalid";
        if (!$pol) {
            return $O_ERROR,
            "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}: $value\" - ".
                "no routing policy expression given";
# now check equal brackets and braces
        if(!&isbracket($pol)) {
            return $O_ERROR,
            "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}: peer $as \"" .
                "\n\tunequal brackets \"\(\)\"\n";
        if(!&isbrace($pol)) {
            return $O_ERROR,
            "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}: peer $as \"" .
                "\n\tunequal brackets \"\(\)\"\n";
# Now grab the netlist entries and check they are ok
        local($tmppol) = $pol;
        while($tmppol =~ s/(\{[^\}]*\})// ) {
            if(!&isnetlist($1)) {
                return $O_ERROR,
                "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}: peer $as \"".
                    "\n\tnetlist error $1";
        while($tmppol =~ s/(\S+)//) {
            if (!&isaskeyword($1)) {
                return $O_ERROR,
                "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}: peer $as \"".
                    "\n\t$1 is not a routing policy KEYWORD";
        $object{$key} =~ s/[aA][sS]/AS/g;
# This is simple for now. TB
# Will change the isnetnum routine to return various codes and modified
# netnum.
# in - inetnum
    if ($key eq "in") {
	$j = 0;
	local($onenet) = 0;
	@nets = split(/\s+/, $value);
	if ($#nets == 0) {
	    # check the single network
	    $onenet = 1;
	    $add[0] = $nets[0];
	} elsif ($#nets == 2 && $nets[1] == "-") {
	    $add[0] = $nets[0];
	    $add[1] = $nets[2];
	} elsif ($#nets == 1 ) {
	    $add[0] = $nets[0];
	    $add[1] = $nets[1]; 
	    $mod = 1;
	} else {
	    return $O_ERROR, 
	    "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}\" - illegal network $value\n";
	foreach $j (0..$#add) {
	    if (!&isnetnum($add[$j])) {	
		return $O_ERROR, 
		"syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}\" - ".
		    "illegal network \"$add[$j]\"\n";
	if(!$onenet && (&quad2int($add[1])) < (&quad2int($add[0]))) {
	    return $O_ERROR, 
	    "error in \"$ATTL{$key}\" - range is illegal ".
		"- end of block is too low\n";
	if($mod) {
	    $new = $add[0]." - ".$add[1];
	    $object{$key} = $new;
	    return $O_WARNING, "\"$ATTL{$key}\" value ".
		"\"$value\" changed to \"$new\"\n";
	if(!$onenet) {
	    $new = $add[0]." - ".$add[1];
	    if($new ne $value) {
		$object{$key} = $new;
		return $O_WARNING, "\"$ATTL{$key}\" value ".
		    "\"$value\" changed to \"$new\"\n";
# la - localas
    if ($key eq "la") {
	if(!&isasnum($value)) {
	  return $O_ERROR, "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}\"";

# lo - location

    if ($key eq "lo") {
	if ($value !~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.\ \,\(\)\&\'\"\/]+$/) {
	    return $O_ERROR, "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}\"";

# Added this in for now - maybe removed at a later date.
# This is MERIT/RA special.
# lr - local-route
    if ($key eq "lr") {
	local(@list) = split(/\s+/, $value);
	if (!&isasnum($list[0])) {
	    return $O_ERROR, "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}\" - $list[0] is not a valid peer";
	foreach (1..$#list) {
	    if($list[$_] !~ /^\d+:\d+(\(\d+\))*$/) {
		return $O_ERROR, "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}\" - $list[$_] is invalid";
# ma - maintainer
    if ($key eq "ma") {
	if ($value !~ /^[A-Z0-9\-]+$/) {
	    return $O_ERROR, "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}\"";
# mb - mnt-by
    if ($key eq "mb") {

	if ($value !~ /^[A-Z0-9\-\s+]+$/) {
	    return $O_ERROR, "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}\"";
	# Check whether all mentioned maintainer values are actually
	# present in the database. This is yucky, but %ExistMaintainer
	# is sneakily built in GetMaintainer to speed things up....
	# As everything, these are only kept per ONE update message (which
	# can of course have multiple objects ....)

	local($status) = 0;
	local($notfound) = "";
	foreach (split(/\s+/, $value)) {
            next if
                ($ExistMaintainer{$_} ||
		 ($value eq $object{"mt"}) ||
		 &GetMaintainer($_, $object{"so"}));
            $notfound .= "$_ ";
            $status = 1;
	return $O_ERROR,
	"unknown maintainer(s) \"$notfound\" referenced" if $status;
#  mt - mntner
    if ($key eq "mt") {
	if ($value !~ /^[A-Z0-9\-]+$/) {
	    return $O_ERROR, "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}\"";
# mn - mnt-nfy
    if ($key eq "mn") {
	if (!&isemail($value)) {
	    return $O_ERROR, 
	    "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}\" ".
		"- \"$value\" is not in \(RFC822\) format";
# na - netname OR aa - as-name
    if ($key eq "na" || $key eq "aa") {
	local($cur) = $value;
	local($changed) = 1 if $object{$key} =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
	local($changed) = 1 if $object{$key} =~ tr/\./\-/;
	local($changed) = 1 if $object{$key} =~ tr/\_/\-/;
	if ($object{$key} !~ /^[A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9\-]+$/) {
	    $object{$key} = $cur;
	    return $O_ERROR, "illegal $ATTL{$key} \"$cur\"";
	else {
	    if ($changed) {
		$value = $object{$key};
		return $O_WARNING, "\"$cur\" changed to \"$value\"";
# Will need to change when the NIC-handle syntax is fixed.
# nh - nic-hdl
    if ($key eq "nh") {
	local(%preventry) = ();
	local($matches) = 0;
	local($newname) = "";
	local($curname) = "";

	local($uppercased) = 0;
	if ($DOHANDLE) {
	    if ($value =~ /^[Aa][Ss][Ss][Ii][Gg][Nn]\s*(.*)$/) {
		if ($1) {
		    if (!&ishandle($1)) {
			return $O_ERROR, "syntax error in requested nichandle";
	if ($object{$key} =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/) {
	    $value = $object{$key};
	    $uppercased = 1;

	if (!&ishandle($value)) {
	    return $O_ERROR, "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}\"";
	if ($uppercased) {
	    return $O_WARNING, "\"$ATTL{$key}\" value uppercased";

	local($goandfind) = $value;
	$goandfind =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;

	($matches, %preventry) =
	    &ExistsObject($goandfind, "pn", $object{"so"} , 1);

	if ($matches) {
	    $curname = $preventry{"pn"};
	    $curname =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
	    $curname =~ s/\s+/ /g;
	    $newname = $object{"pn"};
	    $newname =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
	    $newname =~ s/\s+/ /g;
	    if ($curname ne $newname) {
		return $O_ERROR, 
		"nic-hdl \"$value\" already assigned to $preventry{\"pn\"}";
# ni - nsf-in
    if ($key eq "ni") {
	if ($value !~ /^[(\d=\d+)\s*]+$/) {
	    return $O_ERROR, "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}\"";
# no - nsf-out
    if ($key eq "no") {
	if ($value !~ /^[(\d=\d+)\s*]+$/) {
	    return $O_ERROR, "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}\"";
# ns - nserver
    if ($key eq "ns") {
	@list = ();
	@list = split(/\s+/,$value);
	$j = 0;
	foreach $j (0..$#list) {
	    if (!&isdomname($list[$j])) {
		if ($list[$j] !~ 
		    /^[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*$/) {
		    return $O_ERROR, 
		    "illegal nameserver in \"$ATTL{$key}\" ".
			"component \"$list[$j]\"";
# ny - notify
    if ($key eq "ny") {
	if (!&isemail($value)) {
	    return $O_ERROR, 
	    "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}\" - ".
		"\"$value\" is not in \(RFC822\) format";
# op - op-phone
# of - op-fa
# ph - phone
# fx - fax-no

    if (($key eq "op") || ($key eq "of") || ($key eq "ph") || ($key eq "fx")) {
	if (!(&isphone($value))) {
	    return $O_ERROR, "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}\"";
# om - op-mail

    if ($key eq "om") {
	if (!(&isemail($value))) {
	    return $O_ERROR, "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}\"";
# or - origin
    if ($key eq "or") {
	$value =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
	if (!&isasnum($value)) {
	    return $O_ERROR,
	    "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}\" - $value is not a valid AS";
	if (($object{$key} =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/)) {
	    return $O_WARNING, "\"$ATTL{$key}\" value uppercased";
# pe - peer
    if ($key eq "pe") {
	local(@peer) = split(/\s+/, $value);
	if($value =~ /localas/) {
	    if($peer[3] ne "localas" || !&isasnum($peer[4])) {
		return $O_ERROR, "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}\"".
		    " - localas error for $value";
	elsif (!&isipaddr($peer[0]) || 
	       !&isasnum($peer[1]) ||
	       !&ispeerkeyword($peer[2]) ) {
	    return $O_ERROR, "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}\" - $value";
# pn - person
    if ($key eq "pn") {
	local(@names) = split(/\s+/, $value);
	if ($#names == 0) {
	    return $O_ERROR, 
	    "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}\" - ".
		"must contain at least two components";
	foreach $j (0..$#names) {
	    if (!&isname($j)) {
		return $O_ERROR, "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}\"";
# rl - routpr-l
    if ($key eq "rl") {
	if ($value !~ /^[A-Z0-9\-\ ]+$/) {
	    return $O_ERROR, "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}\"";
# rm - remarks
    if ($key eq "rm") {
	if ($value !~ /^.*$/) {
	    return $O_ERROR, "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}\"";
#  rp - rout-pr
    if ($key eq "rp") {
	if ($value !~ /^[A-Z0-9\-]+$/) {
	    return $O_ERROR, "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}\"";
# rt - route
# A little messy - all the work is done in net2net.pl
    if ($key eq "rt") {
        local($i) = 0;
	local($NETMASK) = "[nN]*[eE]*[tT]*[mM][aA][sS][kK]";
	local($HEX) = "[0-9a-fA-F]";
	local($IPADDR) = "\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+";

	if ($value =~ /^$IPADDR$/) {
	    local($stat, $msg, @str) = &clasfn_to_netpre($value);
	    if($stat == $NOK) {
		return $O_ERROR, "$msg\n";
	    } else {
		$object{$key} = $str[0];
		return $O_WARNING, "$ATTL{$key} re-written to $str[0] from $value\n";
	} elsif ($value =~ /^$IPADDR\s+\-\s+$IPADDR$/) {
	    local($stat, $msg, @str) = &clasfr_to_netpre($value);
	    if($stat == $NOK) {
		return $O_ERROR, "$msg\n";
	    } else {
		if($#str >= 1) {
		    $msg = "$value is not CIDR aligned\n".
			"resubmit the following seperate objects\n";
		    foreach $i (0..$#str) {
			$msg .= "$str[$i]\n";
		    return $O_ERROR, "$msg\n";
		} else {
		    $object{$key} = $str[0];
		    return $O_WARNING, "$ATTL{$key} re-written to $str[0] from $value\n";
	} elsif ($value =~ /^$IPADDR\s+($NETMASK)*\s*$IPADDR$/ 
		 || $value =~/^$IPADDR\s+($NETMASK)*\s*$HEXMASK$/) {
	    local($stat, $msg, @str) = &netmask_to_netpre($value);
	    if($stat == $NOK) {
		return $O_ERROR, "$msg\n";
	    } else {
		$object{$key} = $str[0];
		return $O_WARNING,
		"$ATTL{$key} \"$value\" re-written to $str[0] from $value\n";
	} else {
	    local($stat, $msg, @str) = &netpre_verify($value);
	    if($stat == $NOK) {
		return $O_ERROR, "$msg\n";
# Need to really check against the DNS eventually
# rz - rev-srv
    if ($key eq "rz") {
	@list = ();
	@list = split(/\s+/,$value);
	$j = 0;
	foreach $j (0..$#list) {
	    if (!&isdomname($list[$j])) {
		return $O_ERROR, "illegal nameserver in $value";
# sd - sub-dom
    if ($key eq "sd") {
	foreach (split(/\s+/, $value)) {
	    if (!&issubdomname($_)) {
		return $O_ERROR, "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}\": $_";
# so - source
    if ($key eq "so") {
	if (!$DBFILE{$value}) {
	    return $O_ERROR, "unknown source \"$value\"";
	if (!$CANUPD{$value}) {
	    return $O_ERROR, "cannot update entry with source \"$value\"";

# st - status
    if ($key eq "st") {
	if ($value =~ /^d$|^[Dd][Ee][Ll][Ee][Gg][Aa][Tt][Ee][Dd]$/) {
	    $object{$key} = "D";
	    return $O_WARNING, "\"$ATTL{$key}\" changed to \"D\"";
	if ($value =~ /^r$|^[Rr][Ee][Ss][Ee][Rr][Vv][Ee][Dd]$/) {
            $object{$key} = "R";
            return $O_WARNING, "\"$ATTL{$key}\" changed to \"R\"";
	if ($value =~ /^[Aa]$|^[Aa][Ss][Ss][Ii][Gg][Nn][Ee][Dd]$/) {
	    $object{$key} = "";
	    return $O_WARNING, "\"$ATTL{$key}\" has default value; removed";
	if ($value =~ /^D$|^R$/) {
	    return 1;
	return $O_WARNING, "\"$ATTL{$key}\" has an illegal value";

# tc - tech-c
    if ($key eq "tc") {
	if (!&isname($value)) {
	    return $O_ERROR, "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}\"";
# tr - as-transit
    if ($key eq "tr") {
# wd - withdrawn
    if ($key eq "wd") {
	if($value !~ /^(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)$/) {
	    return $O_ERROR, 
	    "date part of \"$ATTL{$key}\" not in YYMMDD format";
	# 1988 is the start of the world. This is where we test for proper
	# date values of YYMMDD

	if (($1 < 88) || ($2 > 12) || ($3 > 31)) {
	    return $O_ERROR, 
	    "date part of \"$ATTL{$key}\" is not a valid YYMMDD value";
	local($s, $m, $h, $md, $mo, $y) = localtime(time);
	$mo += 1;
	$md = "0".$md unless $md > 9;
	$mo = "0".$mo unless $mo > 9;
	$y = "0".$y unless $y > 9;
	local($curdate) = "$y$mo$md";

	if ($value gt $curdate) {
	    return $O_ERORR, 
	    "date in \"$ATTL{$key}\" ($date) is in the future";
# zc - zone-c
    if ($key eq "zc") {
	if (!&isname($value)) {
	    return $O_ERROR, "syntax error in \"$ATTL{$key}\"";

# These are not checked and not used, just in here for clarity
# ue - *ERROR*
    if ($key eq "ue") {
# uf - u-from (NOT USED)
    if ($key eq "uf") {
# ui - msg-id (NOT USED)
    if ($key eq "ui") {
# uw - WARNING
    if ($key eq "uw") {

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