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more fixes

One more small fix, trying to delete a maintained object while not
being properly authorised did not work. Of course there is magic one
needs to do, but even then it did not work. It will after this fix
below to updatecheck.pl.


*** /ncc/Dbase/src/updatecheck.pl	Thu Nov 24 22:14:54 1994
--- updatecheck.pl	Tue Dec  6 19:09:42 1994
*** 1,7 ****
  #	$RCSfile: updatecheck.pl,v $
! #	$Revision: 1.15 $
  #	$Author: marten $
! #	$Date: 1994/10/05 12:39:29 $
  require "defines.pl";
  require "adderror.pl";
--- 1,7 ----
  #	$RCSfile: updatecheck.pl,v $
! #	$Revision: 1.16 $
  #	$Author: marten $
! #	$Date: 1994/12/06 18:09:42 $
  require "defines.pl";
  require "adderror.pl";
*** 58,64 ****
      # Check authorisation by maintainer unless override is specified.
      if (!$new{"uo"} && !&Maintainer(*cur, *new)) {
!         return $E_AUTHFAIL;
      # Catch if called from dbdel, then skip all checks,
--- 58,64 ----
      # Check authorisation by maintainer unless override is specified.
      if (!$new{"uo"} && !&Maintainer(*cur, *new)) {
!         return $E_AUTHFAIL unless !&entype(*new);
      # Catch if called from dbdel, then skip all checks,

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