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Fixes for whoisd.pl


whoisd.pl had some problems when interacting with the tools. Also some
other little things are fixed. 

Also new versions for syntax.pl and cldb.pl are coming up. Please
replace/intergate versions you may have. Please note these modules are
for the *new* database software....



#       whoisd - whois Internet daemon
#	$RCSfile: whoisd.pl,v $
#	$Revision: 0.43 $
#	$Author: marten $
#	$Date: 1994/11/16 15:57:40 $

@INC = ("LIBDIR", @INC);

require "getopts.pl";
require "rconf.pl";
require "dbopen.pl";
require "dbclose.pl";
require "enread.pl";
require "enwrite.pl";
require "enkeys.pl";
require "enukey.pl";
require "getopt.pl";
require "misc.pl";
require "dbmatch.pl";
require "syslog.pl";
require "template.pl";

# If we get a SIGALRM, exit. Used in the read loop, to make sure people
# do not keep the connection open, and open and open ....

sub alarmhandler {

    print NS "Timeout... Closing connection\n";

# makekeys - converts a whitespace seperated string of keys into
#		an array. Trailing zeros in netnumbers are removed.
# This also does the classless indexes if a classless address is
# requested. The classless index will return db keys, so they will
# simply be added to the set of keys to look up.

sub makekeys {

    local($string) = @_;
    local(@keys) = ();

    $string =~ s/^\s+//;
    $string =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;

    @keys = split(/\s+/, $string);

    # remove keys shorter than 2 chars, since the indexing does not use
    # them either ;-)

    foreach $i (0..$#keys) {
	if (length($keys[$i]) < 2) {
	    splice(@keys, $i, 1);

	# Remember: numbers possibly followed by dots and more numbers
	# are ALWAYS considered IP network numbers!!!!!

	if ($keys[$i] =~ /^\d+[\.\d\/]*$/) {
	    local($p, $l) = split(/\//, $keys[$i]);
	    if (!$l) {
		$keys[$i] = &quad2int($p)."/32";
	    } else {
		$keys[$i] = &quad2int($p)."/$l";
	if (length($keys[$i]) < 2) {
	    splice(@keys, $i, 1);
    return @keys;

# lookupandprint - will find all matches for all keys, and will output
#		the objects found, if they indeed match all the keys.
#		will also generate an array with keys that should be
#		looked up recursively because they are referenced in
#		the printed objects
# Exit codes (set in $result):
#	-1 - toomany hits (if result != 1 yet)
#	 0 - no match (if $result was not defined yet)
#	 1 - OK, something was output (always)

sub lookupandprint {

    local(*db, *keys, $nonintersect) = @_;
    local(%en) = ();
    local(@playkeys) = @keys;
    local(@matches) = ();
    local($save) = "";

    return if eof(db);
    print STDERR "($$) in lookupandprint - \$nonintersect = $nonintersect\n" if $debug;

    foreach $i (0..$#playkeys) {
	next if $playkeys[$i] !~ /^\d+\/\d+$/;
	if ($opt_m || $opt_M) {
	    print NS "% This may take some time, server running at low priority\n" if !$slow_msg_print;
	    print NS "\n" if !$slow_msg_print;
	    $slow_msg_print = 1;
	    system("/etc/renice 10 $$ > /dev/null 2>/dev/null");
	    $xsps = &findmsps($playkeys[$i], $playkeys[$i], 1, $opt_m);
	} else {
	    $xsps = &findlsps($playkeys[$i], $opt_L);
	foreach $tmp (split(/,/, $xsps)) {
	    &getmspnxl($tmp, *val);
	    @boe = (@boe, &cla2unikey($tmp));
	splice(@playkeys, $i, 1, @boe);

    @matches = &dbmatch(*db, *playkeys, $nonintersect);

    if (($#matches < 0) && !defined($result)) {
	$result = 0;
    for $j (0..$#matches) {
	if ($matches[$i] == -1) {
	    $result = -1 if $result != 1;
	if ($displayed{$matches[$j]}) {
	    $result = 1;
	    print STDERR "($$) left lookupandprint already seen\n" if $debug;
	%en = &enread(db, $matches[$j]);
	local($m) = -1;
	if (($#playkeys > 0) && !$nonintersect) {
	    foreach (@playkeys) {
		$save = $_;
		local(@tmp) = &enkeys(*en);
		@tmp = (@tmp, &enukey(*en));
		foreach (@tmp) {
		    if ($save eq $_) {
	} else {
	    $m = $#playkeys;
	if ($m == $#playkeys) {
	    print "\n" if &enwrite(*en, 1, 0, !$opt_S);
	    $displayed{$matches[$j]} = 1;
	    $result = 1;
	    $type = &entype(*en);
	    if ($RECUR{$type} && !$opt_r) {
		local(@tmp) = split(/[\s\t]+/, $RECUR{$type});
		foreach (@tmp) {
		    local(@r) = split(/\n/, $en{$_});
		    for ($k=0;$k<=$#r;$k++) {
			if (!$refd{$r[$k]}) {
			    $refs[$recindex++] = $r[$k];
			    $refd{$r[$k]} = 1;
    print STDERR "($$) left lookupandprint\n" if $debug;

# fastlookup - small routine to do fast lookups, always non-recursive
# it basically just reads from a file, and outputs as fast as it can
# without interpreting the data.

sub fastlookup {

    local(*db, *keys, $nonintersect) = @_;
    local($j) = "";
    local(@playkeys) = @keys;

    return if eof(db);
    foreach $i (0..$#playkeys) {
        next if $playkeys[$i] !~ /^\d+\/\d+$/;
        if ($opt_m || $opt_M) {
            $xsps = &findmsps($playkeys[$i], $playkeys[$i], 1, $opt_m);
        } else {
            $xsps = &findlsps($playkeys[$i], $opt_L);
        foreach $tmp (split(/,/, $xsps)) {
            &getmspnxl($tmp, *val);
            @boe = (@boe, &cla2unikey($tmp));
        splice(@playkeys, $i, 1, @boe);

    local(@matches) = &dbmatch(*db, *playkeys, $nonintersect);
    foreach $j (@matches) {
	$result = 1;
	seek(db, $j, 0);
	while (<db>) {
	    last if /^\s*$/;
	print "\n" if eof(db);

# whois - main lookup loop. will output all objects found for all sources
#		requested. will also process the recursive lookups generated
#		by lookupandprint()

#sub whois {
#    local(*sources, $searchstring) = @_;
#    local(@keys) = &makekeys($searchstring);
#    print STDERR "($$) in whois\n" if $debug;
#    foreach (@sources) {
#        %displayed = ();
#        local(*i) = 'currentdb';
#        &dbopen(i, $DBFILE{$_});
#        if ($opt_F) {
#            &fastlookup(*i, *keys);
#        } else {
#            &lookupandprint(*i, *keys);
#        }
#        for ($j=0;$j<$recindex;$j++) {
#            local(@refkeys) = &makekeys($refs[$j]);
#            &lookupandprint(*i, *refkeys);
#        }
#        undef(@refs);
#        $recindex=0;
#        &dbclose(*i);
#    }
#    print STDERR "($$) left whois\n" if $debug;

# This is already the new version of this sub for the split database

sub whois {
    local(*sources, $searchstring) = @_;
    local($nonintersect) = 1;

    local(@keys) = &makekeys($searchstring);
    if ($#keys > 0) {
	$nonintersect = 0;
    local(%nothing) = ();

    print STDERR "($$) in whois\n" if $debug;

    foreach (@sources) {
	%displayed = ();
	local(@searchdb) = ();
	local(*i) = 'currentdb';
	local($source) = $_;
	if ($TYPE{$source} eq "SPLIT") {

	    # Here is some guess work about what file to open....
	    # We can only do that if there is only one key.

	    if (!$keys[1]) {
		if ($keys[0] =~ /^\d+\/\d+/) {
		    @searchdb = ("in", "ir", "rt");
		} elsif ($keys[0] =~ /^as\d+$/) {
		    @searchdb = ("an");
		} elsif ($keys[0] =~ /^as\-/) {
		    @searchdb = ("am");

	    if (!$searchdb[0]) {
		@searchdb = keys %OBJATSQ;
	    if ($opt_T) {
		@searchdb = @onlysearch;

	    foreach $j (@searchdb) {
		next if !&dbopen(i, *nothing, 0, "$DBFILE{$source}.$j");
		&dbclopen(*nothing, 0, "$DBFILE{$source}.$j");
		if ($opt_F) {
		    &fastlookup(*i, *keys, $nonintersect);
		} else {
		    &lookupandprint(*i, *keys, $nonintersect);
	    for ($j=0;$j<$recindex;$j++) {
		local(@refkeys) = &makekeys($refs[$j]);
		@searchdb = ("pn");
		foreach $j (@searchdb) {
		    next if !&dbopen(i, *nothing, 0, "$DBFILE{$source}.$j");
		    &dbclopen(*nothing, 0, "$DBFILE{$source}.$j");
		    &lookupandprint(*i, *refkeys);
	} else {
	    &dbopen(i, *nothing, 0, $DBFILE{$source});
	    &dbclopen(*nothing, 0, $DBFILE{$source});
	    if ($opt_F) {
		&fastlookup(*i, *keys, $nonintersect);
	    } else {
		&lookupandprint(*i, *keys, $nonintersect);
	    for ($j=0;$j<$recindex;$j++) {
                local(@refkeys) = &makekeys($refs[$j]);
		&lookupandprint(*i, *refkeys);
    print STDERR "($$) left whois\n" if $debug;
# parse - parses the command line string for special options and sets
#		appropriate variables

sub parse {

    local($string) = @_;

    print STDERR "($$) got in parse\n" if $debug;

    # Reset all command line arguments, except -k

    @source = ();
    @onlysearch = ();
    $opt_a = 0;
    $opt_r = 0;
    $opt_F = 0;
    $opt_s = 0;
    $opt_L = 0;
    $opt_m = 0;
    $opt_M = 0;
    $opt_T = 0;

    $string =~ s/^\s+//;

    if ($string =~ /^help/) {
	open (HELP, $HELP);
	while (<HELP>) {
	&syslog("QRYLOG","($$) [] 1 $name help");

    while ($string =~ /^-/) {
	if ($string =~ s/^-([arkFLmMS]+)\s*//) {
	    if (length($1) > 1) {
		foreach (split(/|/, $1)) {
		    eval "\$opt_$_ = 1;";
	    } else {
		eval "\$opt_$1 = 1;";
	if ($string =~ s/^-(s)\s+(\S+)\s*//) {
	    local($src) = $2;
	    $src =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
	    @source = (@source, $src);
	    $opt_s = 1;
	if ($string =~ s/^-V(..[0-9]+[0-9\.]*)\s*//) {
	    $opt_V = $1;
	if ($string =~ s/^-T\s+(\S+)\s*//) {
	    local($type) = $1;
	    $type = $ALIAS{$1} if $ALIAS{$1};
	    $type = $ATTR{$1} if $ATTR{$1};
	    if (!$OBJATSQ{$type}) {
		print "% Request for unknown object type \"$type\" ignored\n";
	    } else {
		@onlysearch = (@onlysearch, $type);
		$opt_T = 1;
	if ($string =~ s/^\-t\s+(\S+)\s*//)  {
	    local($type) = $1;
	    $type = $ALIAS{$1} if $ALIAS{$1};
	    $type = $ATTR{$1} if $ATTR{$1};
	    if (!$OBJATSQ{$type}) {
		print "% No template available for object \"$type\"\n";
		$result = 1;
		$opt_t = 1;
		return $type;
	    $opt_t = 1;
	    $result = 0;
	    return $type;

    if ($opt_a) {
	@source = split(/\s+/, $ALLLOOK);
    elsif (!$source[0]) {
	@source = split(/\s+/, $DEFLOOK);

    print STDERR "($$) left parse\n" if $debug;

    if ($debug) {
	for $fl ("d","a","s","k","r","F","t","S","T","M","m","L") {
	    if (eval "\$opt_$fl;") {
		if ($flags) {
		    $flags .= ":";
		$flags .= "$fl";
	print STDERR "($$) called with $flags\n";
    return $string;

# Main program

# Read config file from RIPEDBCNF, or set to default.

$conffile= "DEFCONFIG" unless $conffile;

# If there are command line options, other than -d (for debug)
# do not run as daemon, but process the command line and exit.

if (($ARGV[0] ne "-d") && ($#ARGV>=0)) {
    local($cmdline) = "";
    for $i (0..$#ARGV) {
	$cmdline .= $ARGV[$i]." ";
    $string = &parse($cmdline);
    &whois(*source, $string);
} else {
    if ($ARGV[0] eq "-d") {
	print STDERR "($$) running in debug mode\n";
	$debug = 1;
    } else {
	# detach from tty
	exit 0 if (fork() > 0);
	if (open(FILE, "/dev/tty")) {
	    if (!ioctl(FILE,(0x20000000|(ord('t')<<8)|113),0)) {   
		print STDERR "ioctl: $!\n" if ($debug);
	close(0) if -t;

$port = 43 unless $port;

print STDERR "($$) running on port $port\n" if ($debug);

$AF_INET = 2;
$SOL_SOCKET = 0xffff;
$SO_REUSEADDR = 0x0004;

$sockaddr = 'S n a4 x8';

($name, $aliases, $proto) = getprotobyname('tcp');
if ($port !~ /^\d+$/) {
    ($name, $aliases, $port) = getservbyport($port, 'tcp');

$this = pack($sockaddr, $AF_INET, $port, "\0\0\0\0");

select(NS); $| = 1; select(STDOUT);

socket(S, $AF_INET, $SOCK_STREAM, $proto) || die "socket: $!";
setsockopt(S, $SOL_SOCKET, $SO_REUSEADDR, 1) || die "setsockopt: $!";

while (!bind(S, $this)) {
    if ($bindcount >= 20) {
	print STDERR "whoisd: bind() failed 20 times, giving up\n";
	&syslog("ERRLOG", "whoisd cannot bind() for 20 times, giving up");
	exit 1;
    } else {
	print STDERR "-- bind: $!, trying again\n" if ($debug);
	sleep 5;

if ($bindcount) {
    &syslog("ERRLOG", "whoisd needed $bindcount binds before succeeding");

listen(S,5) || die "listen: $!";

select(S); $| = 1; select(STDOUT);

# Set up the alarm handler

$SIG{'ALRM'} = 'alarmhandler';

# We have come this far, let's write the PID to $PIDFILE, useful for
# killing and stuff.

if (open(PID, ">$PIDFILE")) {
    print PID "$$\n";
} else {
    &syslog("ERRLOG", "cannot write to $PIDFILE: $!");

# Main waiting loop, wait for connection, and fork of child to process
# the incoming request

for (;;) {
    ($addr = accept(NS,S)) || die $!;

    if (($child = fork()) == 0) {
	($af,$port,$inetaddr) = unpack($sockaddr,$addr);
	@inetaddr = unpack('C4', $inetaddr);

	$rhost = "$inetaddr[0].$inetaddr[1].$inetaddr[2].$inetaddr[3]";

	print STDERR "($$) fork connection [$rhost]\n" if $debug;

	if ($name eq "") {
	    $name = $rhost;

	# Set alarm to timeout after people did not send anything
	# in 60 seconds

	alarm 60;

	while(<NS>) {

	    $result = 0;

	    # Got something, reset alarm;

	    alarm 0;


	    # we want at least some alphanumeric stuff ...
	    if (/\w+/) {
		$string = &parse($_);
		print STDERR "($$) lookup $string\n" if $debug;
		if (!$opt_t) {
		    &whois(*source, $string);
		    print $NOMATCH,"\n" if $result == 0;
		    print $TOOMANY,"\n" if $result == -1;
		    if ($opt_k) {
			print NS "\n";
			alarm 60;
		    else {
		} else {
	    # got something completely non-alphanumeric
	    else {
		$string = $_;
		print STDERR "($$) lookup $string\n" if $debug;
		print "Cannot lookup non-alphanumeric keys\n";
		print "Connection closed\n";
		$result = 0;

	    # Log this query

	    $flags = "";
	    for $fl ("d","a","s","k","r","F","t","S","T","M","m","L") {
		if (eval "\$opt_$fl;") {
		    if ($flags) {
			$flags .= ":";
		    $flags .= "$fl";
	    if ($opt_V) {
		if ($flags) {
		    $flags .= ":";
		$flags .= "V$opt_V";
	    &syslog("QRYLOG","($$) [$flags] $result $name $string");

	print STDERR "($$) exit connection [$rhost]\n" if $debug;
    while (waitpid(-1, 1) > 0) {}

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