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Re: thoughts on updates for obj with guarded attribute

"Wilfried Woeber, UniVie/ACOnet" woeber@localhost writes
 *   Hi Marten,
 * >To get back on this one once more, I think an omission IS a mismatch, and
 * >that is why a warning is generated right now. If you would have left the
 * >bdrygw-l in (an it would be the same) you would get no warning.
 *   thanks for still considering it!
 *   I'm getting the impression that we maybe could handle it by documenting 
 *   _how it actually_ works. Probably there is more important things to do tha
 * n
 *   "fixing" this one in software?

Sure, documentation is high on my "database to-do list". I have just come
back to the normal life again, and just wandering though my mail, to see what
I need to do. All database related stuff is high on my list.


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