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Re: draft minutes of the Connectivity WG


Here are some comments from me on these notes, with regards to

>     BG: (supplement by Christian Panigl)
>         International lines (very unstable):
>         9.2kb Sofia-Vienna (Academy of Science, to be replaced by 64kb
>                             satellite soon)

Even if this link exists, it is (still) private between UNICOM-B and
UNIVIE. UNICOM-B is unreachable from Internet.

>         9.2kb Blagoevgrad-Vienna (American University)
>         AUBG.BG and ACAD.BG (CICT) not yet interconnected locally
>         additional service provider: EUnet

EUnet is the primary Internet provider in Bulgaria (also connecting
most universities). EUnet operates an reasonably stable 19.2 kbps
line between Amsterdam and Varna, and an national backbone linking
Varna, Plovdiv, Sofia and other larger towns. The international
capacity will be upgraded as soon as the Bulgarian PTT is able to
supply digital circuits.

Daniel Kalchev
EUnet Bulgaria manager

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