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Draft agenda of the Connectivity WG meeting, meeting@localhost

Item Subject: Draft agenda of the Connectivity WG me

Dear colleagues,

here is the first draft of the connectivity WG agenda. I will appreciate any
comments you could have. I suppose that a two hours slot should be sufficient
for the WG session. The closer to the plenary it will be scheduled the better
for the attendance (I suppose that nobody except myself will come earlier
explicitly for this meeting).

I hereby ask people involved in the different activities mentioned bellow to
prepare a short report about the current status and nearest plans in the field.
If you can send me an acknowledgement before RIPE it will help me to
finalize the agenda. Thank you.

Draft Agenda :

 - general european connectivity
 - CEEnet status and plans (.. PHARE)
 - national reports (local and international conectivity evolution)
 - DANTE activities towards CEE connectivity (PHARE)
 - CDS progress and evaluation
 - Nonacademic Internet in CEE

See you in Amsterdam
With my best regards
Milan Sterba

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