[connect-bof] Germany and Dtag has some funny ideas http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/deutsche-telekom-pushes-all-german-internet-safe-from-spying-a-933013.html
Martin J. Levy martin at he.net
Wed Nov 13 15:36:43 CET 2013
Wolfgang, Thanks for writing a piece: > On Nov 13, 2013, at 4:07 AM, Wolfgang Tremmel <wolfgang.tremmel at de-cix.net> wrote: > > 100% agree > also see our press release > http://presse.de-cix.net/uploads/media/PM_DE-CIX-NationalesRouting_vfinal.pdf (Which google translate does a good job with). Some thoughts: First: AS3320/DTAG is a member of DC-CIX today and the ASNs moves (I assume) some minimal traffic via the IX. Of course they don't peer with many players; but it's there. Second: DE-CIX doesn't publish PNI (carrier to carrier interconnects) numbers as it's not in their business model. Hence a majority of traffic or interconnects within Frankfurt or other locations are ignored when looking at the IX stats. Note: LINX in the UK does publish this for London. Third: There are other major IXs in Germany. Don't forget ECIX in four cities. BCIX in Berlin. INXS in Munich. Plus Others. Germany is a large land mass (large mSec latency edge to edge). Other interconnect points besides Frankfurt are needed. Forth: Even without AS3320/DTAG present at DE-CIX German traffic may well be kept within the countries borders. It's efficient to route packets using a shortest path and employ what's called hot potato routing. For German networks that don't directly interconnect with AS3320/DTAG; I'm pretty sure their upstream transit provider does. I'm pretty sure that interconnect is also within Germany (and France, UK, Holland, Sweden, etc with their respective major telco's). I strongly recommend a review of http://ixmaps.ca/ project - maybe a budding German masters candidate could covert that from a Canadian to German experiment. Then we would know more data and read less rhetoric. (I mean from politicians vs this group - honest). Enjoy, Martin