[connect-bof] Germany and Dtag has some funny ideas http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/deutsche-telekom-pushes-all-ge rman-internet-safe-from-spying-a-933013.html
Mikael Abrahamsson swmike at swm.pp.se
Wed Nov 13 15:01:13 CET 2013
On Wed, 13 Nov 2013, Carsten Schiefner wrote: > On 13.11.2013 14:04, Bernhard Kroenung wrote: >> http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/Das-DE-CIX-und-das-Schland-Netz-Betreiber-empoert-ueber-Telekom-Plaene-zum-Schengen-Routing-2044731.html > > That text reads in Google translated English: Ah, peering-discussions brought into this as well. Well, I'm not going to touch that one... In the swedish debate before the "FRA-law" that gives the swedish military intelligence agency right to tap communication cables going in/out of the country, the aim to use this for trading with other intelligence agencies, was spoken about outright. If the EU really wants to stop this sharing of information with the US, then this decision needs to be taken at the EU level and required to be implemented by all EU countries. Good luck with that one. -- Mikael Abrahamsson email: swmike at swm.pp.se