[certtest] RIPE NCC resource certification available for all members

Hi all,

The certification portal at https://certtest.ripe.net/ has been upgraded.

This beta release integrates with the RIPE NCC member portal and any
RIPE NCC member will be able to access certification from the portal.

This is a beta release and we will now be working on the full
production release later this year. Your feedback is highly

Known issues:
- An ugly error message shows when you try to access certification but
do not have a LIR portal X.509 PKI client certificate. Go to the LIR
portal and generate your PKI certificate to solve this.
- Single sign-on is not yet fully integrated with the LIR portal.
- Data entered during the beta test will not be migrated to the full
production release.
- The rsync public certificate repository should be available soon.

The RIPE NCC certification team.