[certtest] New release certification test application

Dear colleagues,

We have upgraded the certification test application and invite you all to have a look again:


This release supports Route Origination Authorisation (ROA). ROAs will help improve Internet routing security. The following functionality has been added:

    * specify your route origination authorisation
    * a ROA Repository to view and download system generated ROA objects

A screencast on how to use the new features has been made available on the welcome page.

Please let us (or better yet the list) know what you think. Bug reports, missing features, questions or any other feedback are welcome.

The next few weeks we will be working on certificate and roa publication, and key life cycle management. We hope to have another upgrade ready early October.


Tim Bruijnzeels

Tim Bruijnzeels
Software Engineer

t: +31 20 535 4309
e: tim@localhost