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[bcop] IPv6 troubleshooting for helpdesks document - please read before BCOP TF meeting in London
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Jan Zorz @
jan at
Mon Oct 20 12:21:59 CEST 2014
Dear RIPE BCOP community, We circulated this work in second draft some time ago and we received no substantial change requests but mostly good words about its usefulness. Reaching this stage I would like to ask those of you who did not read it yet (and would like to) to have a look at the doc as we'll ask for sense of consensus at the BCOP meeting in London - if community thinks that document is good enough to be published as BCOP RIPE document as part of normal RIPE series of documents. We'll ask for technical accuracy consensus in IPv6 working group, what we are seeking here is a consensus on usefulness, structure and content itself - that this is actually a good practice to follow. Direct link to PDF: All comments, suggestions, change_requests or support are more than welcome. Thank you and see you in London, Jan Zorz
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