[Atlas-anchors-pilot] Moving to production service -- closing the "pilot" list
Wilfried Woeber
Woeber at CC.UniVie.ac.at
Thu Jan 9 20:22:30 CET 2014
Vesna Manojlovic wrote:
> Please subscribe to one or both, and lets slowly phase out the usage of
> "atlas-anchors-plot" list. I will give it few months of inactivity,
> to give everyone time to move to other lists, before closing postings. I
> will close the subscription, and redirect people to lists above.
I mostly agree, with one second thought:
Would it be useful to migrate/convert to a list for the AA hosts?
These boxes are a bit "special" as they rely on local network facilities
but are under the NCC's opertional control?
One of the qustiosn I was about to ask - on this list - was:
Does the NCC want us to configure revDNS entries for the Anchor's (statically
assigned) IPv4 and IPv6 addresses?
Of coure I can ask the same Q on the general list. Maybe that's even more useful
in order to keep the whole community posted?
> Of course, you can always contact "mcb at ripe.net" if you want to reach
> me, Lia & Michela , or "atlas at ripe.net" to open tickets.
> If you *do not* have an anchor yet, and would like to apply for one,
> please find out more details of the benefits of hosting an anchor,
> technical requirements and available features in RIPE Labs article:
> https://labs.ripe.net/Members/suzanne_taylor_muzzin/announcing-the-ripe-atlas-anchors-service
> Regards,
> Vesna
PS: I loved the typo atlas-anchors-PLOT :-)