[Atlas-anchors-pilot] RIPE Atlas Anchors to be Single-Service System
Jaromir Talir
jaromir.talir at nic.cz
Tue Oct 8 19:14:31 CEST 2013
Hi Vesna,
I know it's probably too late to discuss that but I've just read the
publish few weeks ago and I have two comments to reasons for
single-service system.
On Wed, 2013-07-31 at 15:45 +0200, Vesna Manojlovic wrote:
> The reasons for the decision to use a single-service system are:
> - The lower price of the smaller box will allow more hosts to
> participate, especially from developing countries
> - Currently, we do not have an additional service to install in the
> boxes because no expansion is planned for K-root in the coming year
We operate NRTM - http://www.ripe.net/data-tools/db/nrtm-mirroring that
is used by route servers in our IXP NIX.CZ and I think that this "local
whois" was one of services supposed to be installed on the anchor.
Because about month ago my colleague spent a few days with upgrading
this system to new version, it would be clearly great advantage for us
to move this service under NCC operations but still keep it local.
I can imagine there are more services that could be brought closer to
users, like maybe local reverse dns (if it's anycasted)?
> - Based on the survey from September 2012, people expressing a need
> for multiple services on the same box did not form a clear majority;
> most people were interested in the anchor service and “maybe” other
> services
This interpretation of results for survey is based on exact wording of
the question which could be different then real meaning behind. For me,
multiple services on the anchor was strong argument to host anchor
locally, but I'm a great fan of Atlas so I couldn't vote for (1 - only
with multiple services) so I voted for (2 - maybe with other service).
If all voters for (2) have the same motivation than interested vs. not
interested is 24 vs. 8 and this is clear majority ;)
See you in Athens..
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Jaromir Talir
technicky reditel / Chief Technical Officer
CZ.NIC, z.s.p.o. -- .cz domain registry
Americka 23, 120 00 Praha 2, Czech Republic
mailto:jaromir.talir at nic.cz http://nic.cz/
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