[Atlas-anchors-pilot] Firewall crash in OSL2

ms-no-reply at redpill-linpro.com ms-no-reply at redpill-linpro.com
Tue Nov 26 20:37:07 CET 2013

Firewall crash in OSL2

This message is sent to you in order to inform about an event that affects the
operation of one or more of your systems hosted at Redpill Linpro.

The following significant events have been noted:

2013-11-26 - 20:04 (SLA begins) - Firewall crashes
2013-11-26 - 20:22 - Crashed firewall being manually off-lined

Total SLA time: 18 minutes.


One of our firewalls in OSL2 crashed. It remained partially alive, giving
enough life signs to prevent the other firewall in the redundant cluster to
assume responsibility for its VLANs.


Loss of internet connectivity for customer VLANs normally hosted on the
firewall in question.


The firewall was brought manually off-line. This caused the other firewall in
the cluster to notice its disappearance, and a few seconds later assume
responsibility for the impacted VLANs.

Severity: 1. Critical.

Tore Anderson
Managed Services
Redpill Linpro