[Atlas-anchors-pilot] Moving to production service -- closing the "pilot" list

Vesna Manojlovic BECHA at ripe.net
Thu Nov 7 16:14:19 CET 2013

Dear pilot hosts,

since we have announced the full production service of
RIPE Atlas anchors at the RIPE 67 meeting,
that means that the pilot is actually over.

I would like to thank you all for participation,
and I wish you lots of fun and joy with anchors in the future.

I would like to close this list, and to move our communication to other 
lists that already exist:

- "ripe-atlas at ripe.net" for questions, bug reports & feature requests

- "mat-wg at ripe.net" for general discussions about measurements & tools

Please subscribe to one or both, and lets slowly phase out the usage of 
"atlas-anchors-plot" list. I will give it few months of inactivity,
to give everyone time to move to other lists, before closing postings. I 
will close the subscription, and redirect people to lists above.

Of course, you can always contact "mcb at ripe.net" if you want to reach 
me, Lia & Michela , or "atlas at ripe.net" to open tickets.

If you *do not* have an anchor yet, and would like to apply for one,
please find out more details of the benefits of hosting an anchor,
technical requirements and available features in RIPE Labs article:

