[Atlas-anchors-pilot] Provisional hardware specs for Atlas Anchors

Wilfried Woeber, UniVie/ACOnet Woeber at CC.UniVie.ac.at
Fri Sep 7 15:34:03 CEST 2012

Vesna Manojlovic wrote:

> Hi,
> (welcome to the list - this is the first message... :)
> I'll send more info tomorrow (lots of Q&A),
> but I wanted to have a separate thread for the HW specs.
> So here they are -- please realize that these are preliminary,
> and we already know that, for example, we want to add more memory...

Two items of feedback that I got from my colleagues closer to the HW and
server business:

- the DELL DRAC stuff didn't score favourably with them, although the
  experience is not really extremely recent. Things may have changed.

- one person asked about the lack of an optical drive to install/rescue/...
  but this may be on purpose?

> Regards,
> Vesna

Best regards,