Re: [anti-spam-wg] Proposed New Charter


In an ongoing attempt to clarify they direction and evolution of
the WG I've made a few additions to the charter ahead of the
discussion after lunch tomorrow.  As always I would be grateful
for your comments.  Additionally should the WG agree to this change
in charter a new name will probably be required.  Anti-Abuse or,
possibly preferably, Anti-Network Abuse may be straightforward,
but it is possible that it just obvious to me, rather than others.

Anyway, the revised charter is below (the new bit is in the middle):

As the Internet has evolved, the scope and scale of network abuse have evolved in step. While unsolicited bulk email (spam) was previously the most visible form of network abuse, it is often now merely a symptom of much deeper abuse such as viruses or botnets. To reflect this changing Internet, it was proposed at RIPE 55 that the Anti-Spam Working Group widen its focus to include all relevant kinds of network level abuse.

It is considered difficult, if not impossible for this charter to include an exhaustive list of abuse types that would be considered within the scope of this working group, not least because this is expected to change over time. However initial areas of interest would be messaging protocols (SMTP, IM etc), HTTP, DNS, VoIP, the creation and use of botnets and other associated areas.

It is important to note that areas such as cybersquatting or hosting illegal content are not seen to be part of the remit of the working group.

The working group would aim to tackle the issue from both the technical and non-technical angles:

- To produce and continue to update a Best Common Practice document for ISPs similar in nature to RIPE-409 but covering a wider range of possible abusive behaviours.

- To provide advice (beyond that of the BCP) to relevant parties within the RIPE region such as ISPs, Governments and Law Enforcement Agencies on strategic and operational matters.

- To discuss and disseminate information on technical methods of preventing or reducing network abuse.

