Re: [anti-spam-wg] Fwd: Re: Re: NCC#2007083003 Fwd: DELIVERY FAILURE:


On 24 Aug 2007, at 19:55, der Mouse wrote:

I Matthew Brown, would like to request that there be some sort of
action, to allow the ripe database managers to contact ISP(s) when
someone reports incorrect or outdated information.

Good luck - and I mean that; I hope you succeed, though at this point I
don't really expect it.  I've gone a few rounds with RIPE myself on
that issue; they appear to want the authority of "owning" (and being
paid for the subdelegation of) address space without the concomitant

When you last commented on this subject in April, I suggested that you propose a policy to tackle the issue. Perhaps you are still developing your proposal. In any case, I look forward to reading it.

  Not surprising, of course; lots of people would rather
pocket the money and duck the responsibility. The real problem is that
ICANN/IANA lets them get away with it, and I see that (that the top of
the governance pyramid does not impose responsibility on those to whom
it delegates authority - and I don't mean just RIRs; the same problem
recurs with domains) as the fundamental problem that is killing today's
net with abusers and abuses.

Sadly, you have misunderstood the policy development process. IANA does not set policy and nor does the RIPE NCC. Policy proposals come from anyone interested in developing policy, are discussed by others interested in developing policy and only become policy when there is a consensus that they are a good idea. IANA only implements global policies and only when all five RIR communities have reached consensus on a proposal and sent it to the ICANN board via the ASO.

IANA and ICANN are the end and not the start of the process and the responsibility sits with us all and not with an elite group at the RIPE NCC or IANA.

I'm sorry to disappoint you but if you want a policy you will have to develop and propose it before it can be agreed and implemented. Matthew Brown's mail was an excellent starting point for a discussion on what should be in a database policy. There is real value in following up on his request and developing a formal proposal that can become policy.

To that end, I'd be grateful if the chairs of the appropriate WGs could coordinate and arrange agenda time for a discussion based on Matthew's request at RIPE 55.


Leo Vegoda