Re: [anti-spam-wg] Any suggestions about how to deal with non co-operative ISP's and RIR's ?

On Wednesday 04 April 2007 10.09, Clive D.W. Feather wrote:
> tp said:
> >  - ISPs generally do not care since it does not cost them, in fact spam makes
> > them money whereever they charge by volume (eg on dial-up lines charged by time)
> Rubbish.
Thats a broad generalization :-)
> Inbound spam costs far more in email processing systems than you could
> possibly make on the dialup lines.
> Outbound spam hurts your reputation and, even if it doesn't go through your
> mail system, tends to imply a heavy user who costs you in terms of
> bandwidth and transit charges.
> Both forms cost you time and effort for your abuse team.
> No sensible ISP likes spam.
We are talking about the "non-sensible ISP's" here, the ones that don't
care about abuse-reports, those that only cares about the money the spammer
pays. In short, the scums of the trade.

        Peter Håkanson   

        There's never money to do it right, but always money to do it
        again ... and again ... and again ... and again.
        ( Det är billigare att göra rätt. Det är dyrt att laga fel. )