Re: [anti-spam-wg] Any suggestions about how to deal with non co-operative ISP's and RIR's ?

On Tuesday 03 April 2007 22.25, Esa wrote:
> Jørgen Hovland kirjoitti:
> > Blacklisting the provider of the offender just because they are practising
> > what the government(s) is telling them to do is to me considered extremely
> > unprofessional and I would never do business with anyone doing that.

I disagree. Blacklisting a sleazy ISP is a way of tellking them 
that you don't accept their "let-go" attitude.
> I have never seen that a government tells companies to allow unsolicited 
> bulk e-mailing. Of course laws restrict what you can put in the 
> contract, but contracts between companies are much more unregulated than 
> those between a company and a person, this at least in Finland.
> I would be really surprised if you cannot put a prohibition to ube in 
> the contract.
Serious ISP has this. In fact, it has been part of "Netiquette" since the 90's

> I don't think blocklist providers should consider at all if the law 
> allows spamming or not. They should follow their own defined listing 
> criteria. The blocklist users decide what they want to do with the 
> information.
A blocklist expresses only an opinion. A mail-operator on the
other hand is free to accept or refuse mail on _any_ ground including
opinions from blocklists. 

> >  I
> > wouldn't be surprised if a blacklist provider with that kind of policy some
> > day would be prosecuted because it is pretty darn close to three types of
> > extortion.
> But they have, already. See for example Media3 and MAPS (circa year 
> 2000), or yesmail vs MAPS, or Harris Interactive vs. MAPS, or Experian, 
> or Exactis.
> Other blocklists have been sued as well, latest I've heard was Spamhaus 
> vs. e360insight.

Spamhaus is still unaffected. Like other cases, spammers usually
get the short stick.

> Yours,
> esa

        Peter Håkanson   

        There's never money to do it right, but always money to do it
        again ... and again ... and again ... and again.
        ( Det är billigare att göra rätt. Det är dyrt att laga fel. )