[anti-spam-wg] New ENISA survey for a study on spam

In my previous message, the last few words from the last sentence
were dropped of. What I wanted to say is: "ENISA is working on a
follow up survey. I will tell about that in a separate message".
So this is that message.

ENISA is preparing a study on spam, extending an earlier work they
did based on input from NRAs. The results of the first study are
available at their web site
(http://www.enisa.europa.eu/deliverables/index_en.htm). Find below
the introduction letter to this survey (slightly edited by me to
reflect that the PDF file is not attached but available from the
ENISA web site).



Dear Service Provider,

We would appreciate if you could give us a few minutes of your
attention. Your input is valuable during a study of legislation in
the field of information security. When filling the questionnaire,
you will get early access to the results of this survey before the
report is available to the general public.

ENISA, the European Information and Network Security Agency, conducts
a study on the technical and organizational measures that electronic
communication services providers take with regard to IT security
measures and countermeasures against spam. This addresses in
particular the EU Directives 2002/22/EC and 2002/58/EC, which have
been transposed into national law by the EU Member States. This is
not an analysis of compliance with the law. The results of this
study will merely be used to evaluate whether actual legislation
is effective or whether there is room for improvement.

Please provide your answers directly in the PDF file which can be
found directly from our web site:
http://www.enisa.eu.int/doc/pdf/deliverables/q_providers.pdf Using
the submit button, your answer will be sent to ENISA by email.

For any questions, please call Pascal Manzano at +30 2810 39 1366
or send an email to provider.study@localhost

We ask you to provide contact details so that we can make sure that
we do not receive multiple answers from the same provider. However,
you may remain anonymous if you wish.  In this case we reserve the
right to not take your responses into account.

ENISA would like to let responders know that all answers provided
will be aggregated and evaluated anonymously. Any personal data
submitted shall remain strictly at ENISA and it will be treated in
accordance with art. 4 of Regulation (EC) 45/2001. ENISA will also
keep confidential all information submitted according to art. 4 of
Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001.

Please note our deadline: Wednesday, May 31st, 2006

Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Yours sincerely,
Expert Network Security Policy