Re: [anti-spam-wg@localhost] Verizon blocking all IP addresses delegated by RIPE?

On Fri, Jan 21, 2005 at 05:25:44PM +0100, pna.lists wrote:
> Is there any official RIPE statement available regarding Verizon seemingly
> blocking incoming e-mail traffic from IP addresses delegated by RIPE?

I don't see your problem.
If Verizon wants to isolate themselves they should.
If you want to help them, block incoming Verizon traffic (not too big a
loss, none of the 10000 messages or so on our mailservers that came in
the last about 3.5 hours passed the greylisters, about 50% were blocked
by HELO/Sender/Recipient checks, so who really cares).

If you have customers that complain, send them a FAQ containing the
links you've listed in your eMail and tell them they should advise their
communication partners at Verizon to change ISPs or sue them.

It's easy as that.


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