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[[email protected]] Spammer is Jailed in NYC

much more effective than a simple fine...



'Buffalo spammer' sentenced
Thursday, May 27, 2004 Posted: 1932 GMT (0332 HKT) 
WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- A New York state man who sent out millions of
"spam" e-mails was sentenced to 3-1/2 to seven years in prison, the
state attorney general's office said Thursday.

Howard Carmack, known as the "Buffalo Spammer," received the maximum
sentence for 14 counts of identity theft and forgery, a spokesman for
New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer said.

Carmack sent out 825 million bulk e-mail messages using stolen
identities and forged addresses, the court found, and was the first
defendant to face charges under the state's new identity-theft

He was found guilty in April.

The forgery conviction fetched the longest sentence, while the other
convictions drew shorter sentences of one year to four years. All will
be served concurrently, Spitzer spokesman Brad Maione said.

Carmack could be out in 3-1/2 years should he behave in prison, Maione said.

Internet provider EarthLink Inc. won a $16.5 million judgment against
Carmack last year, and EarthLink officials testified in the criminal
trial as well.

"We're satisfied that today's sentencing sends a strong message to
spammers, and EarthLink will continue to investigate spammers and work
with law enforcement," said EarthLink assistant general counsel Karen
Cashion in a statement.

Unwanted bulk messages now account for roughly 83 percent of e-mail
traffic, according to filtering company Postini Inc.

Many of Carmack's alleged activities are illegal under a national
anti-spam law that took effect in January, seven months after he was

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